tuim, pl -an & -annan, sm Round hillock or knoll, rising ground, swell, green eminence. 2 Any round heap. 3 Tuft of anything. 4* Bush, thicket. 5 Anthill. 6* Stool — Islay. 7* Volume of a book. 8** Bank. 9** Grave. 10** rarely The plague 11** Conical knoll. Tom is applied in many parts of the North, especially Arran, to a bush that grows wild, as, tom fraoich, a tuft of heather; tom àirnean, a sloe bush — preas is not used there. Tom-ghròiseid, a gooseberry bush; tha e air a thom, he is at stool, {he is on the throne}; thug e car mu thom asam, he jilted me, cheated me; am bun an tuim, sheltered by the thicket; tha tom sa bhealach, there is a bush in the gateway — gateways were formerly closed by a bush instead of a gate; dosain is tuim nan ruadhag, the thicket and hillocks of roes.
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