a Alive, living. 2 Quick, lively, sprightly. Am beò e? is he alive? tha e gu math beò, he is pretty lively; air gaoith chithear suinn nach beò, on the wind are seen heroes that are dead; ma bhitheas mi beò, if I live; mar is beò mise, deir an Tighearna, as I live, saith the, Lord; a bheil e beò? is he alive? Am beò dhut, a Dheirg? are you alive, Dargo? thoir beò, bring alive; gu ma fada beò an rìgh! long live the King! am feadh is beò mi, while 1 live; cho cinnteach 's a tha thu beò, as sure as you are alive; chuir e a' chlach-mhuilinn a bheò-bheum bhàrr na sorchain, he put the millstone with one tremendous effort off the support; thilg i i fhéin beò slàn air a bhroilleach, she threw herself in one tremendous leap on his breast; is beò na h-eòin ged nach seabhagan uile iad, the birds manage to live, though they be not all hawks.
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