-idh, -ean, sm Dropping, act or state of dropping, distilling. 2 Raining, dripping of rain through a roof during a shower. 3** Dispensation, economy. 4 Shedding. 5 Issue, issuing. 6 Drop, drip. A' sileadh, pr pt of sil. Mar shìor-shileadh uisge tha aimhreitean mnà, as the continual dropping of waters are the contentions of a woman; fo shileadh an t-soisgeil, under the gospel dispensation; fo shileadh an t-Seann Tiomnaidh, under the Mosaic dispensation; gach sileadh, every drop; sileadh na h-oidhche, dew; sileadh nan speur, rain; sileadh nan sùl, tears; a sùil a' sileadh, her tears falling — lit. her eyes shedding.
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