gen leapa & leapach, pl. leapaichean, sf Bed, couch. 2 Channel of a river. 3(AH) Space or opening left in a boat’s cargo to admit of baling. 'Na leabaidh, in his bed; a leabaidh dhoilleir, its gloomy channel; leabaidh lùthaidh, or leabaidh thogalach, a folding bed; leabaidh chùl-beinge, a bed intended for the promiscuous repose of a family and of guests — it was formed by the cottage wall on one side and by the trunk of a tree or a plank on the other, with a sufficient quantity of heath, fern or straw and some blankets; leabaidh chlòimh or leabaidh itean, a feather-bed; leabaidh-chònnlaich, or leabaidh-fhodair, a straw-bed; leabaidh-fhraoich, a heather-bed; leabaidh-luachrach, a bed of rushes; leabaidh-mhuill, a chaff-bed; leabaidh na taoim, leabaidh-thaoim, leabaidh na taoma or leabaidh-taomaidh, place where the water gathers for the baling-dish.
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