prep. [Governs a substantive in the nominative. Combined with the personal pronouns thus:— eadarainn, between us; eadaraibh, between you; eatorra, between them]. 1 Between, betwixt. Eadar thusa is mise, between you and me; eadar long agus laimhrig, between the cup and the lip (lit. between the ship and the quay); eadar feala-dha is da-rìreadh, between jest and earnest; eadar am bogha agus an t-sreang, with much ado, making both ends meet with much difficulty; eadar an dà chuid, between the two; eadar chlàr is ursainn, between the door and the post; 'se chaidh eadar thu 's do rùsg, it has gone between you and your clothes (lit. your fleece — you have very much at heart); a' cur eadar, causing us to disagree; thàinig rudeigin eadar, we disagreed about something; eadar sinne agus sibhse, between us and you; leig eadar sinn fhéin 's na biodagan, let us fight it out with dirks, none interfering. 2* Among. Eadaraibh fhéin fhuaradh e, he was found among yourselves. 3 Both. [When signifying both, it does not admit the article between itself and the noun; but aspirates both its nouns, as, eadar cheann is chasan, both head and feet; eadar bheag agus mhór, both great and small; eadar mhath is olc, both good and bad.
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