dùirn, sm Fist. 2 Blow or box with the fist, buffet. 3 Hilt, haft, handle. 4* Hold of an oar. 5 Short cut or piece of anything. 6** Agonist. Làn a dhùirn, his handful; an dòrn clì, the left fist; thug e dòrn dha, he gave him a box or thump; chaidh dòrn air ghaisge, dòrn air tréine is dòrn air thapachd, an uair a chaidh na trì dùirn an ceann a chéile, I called up my utmost energies, pulled myself together and felt strengthened. [Dùirn, & dòrn and its compounds, although given in all the dictionaries as dùirn and dòrn, should be written without the accent, for it is the liquids rn that are long and not the u and o].
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