a. Difficult, hard. 2 Sorry, grieved. Thus compared:— 1st. comp duilghe or dorra, 2nd. comp duilghid or dorraid, 3rd. comp duilghead or dorrad. [Duilghe, duilghid, used in the two senses of hard and sorry, dorra only in the sense of hard or difficult in W. of Ross-shire — (DU). Ceist dhuilich, a difficult question; is duilich leam, I am sorry; is duilich leis, he is sorry; is duilich dhut a fhàgail, it is a pity for you to leave him; sgeul a bu duilich leinn, news for which we were sorry; is duilich leam gur fìor, I am sorry it is true; nas duilghe, more difficult; tha seo duilich, this is difficult; tha mi duilich air do shon, I am sorry for you.
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