sf Pursuit, chase, pursuing with hostile intention. 2 Inquiring, asking, strict inquiry or search. 3 Craving. 4 Retaliation. 5 Persecution. 6†† Restitution. Cha do rinn iad tòrachd, they did not pursue; tha e a' tòrachd, he is making strict inquiry; a' tòrachd chaorach, searching for sheep; luchd-tòrachd, persecutors, pursuers; air eagal gun coinnich an luchd-tòrachd sibh, lest the pursuers meet you; fuileachdach san tòrachd, bloody in the chase; tha e a' tòrachd orm, he craves or insinuates his claim to such; tha tòrachd orm, I am pursued.
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