-uinn, pl. -uinn & bonnan, sm Heel. 2 Sole. 3 Foundation, found of house. 4 Pedestal, bottom, base, socket. 5 Coin. 6 Boom of a sail. 7‡‡ Good, advantage. 8 Tyre of a cycle. sm 9 Foot of a sail. 10 Bottom of a plough. 11 (pl buinn) beams or sole beams of a cart. 12(G) Part lot. Thug e bonn dhi, thug e na buinn dhi, he took to his heels - West of Ross-shire. In Perthshire, thug e na buinn ás; in Lewis thug e na boinn ás'. Am bonn a th’ agad ri dhèanamh, the part you have to do; bonn na bròige, the sole of the shoe; chan eil mi bonn ann 'ad eisimeil, I am not the least in your reverence, I do not care a straw for you; fichead bonn, twenty sockets; fichead bonn airgid, twenty pieces of silver; bonn na beinne, the base of the mountain; fo bhonnaibh ur cas, under the soles of your feet; bonn leth-chrùin, a half-crown piece; thug iad na buinn asta, they took to their heels; rothan aig gach bonn, wheels at every base; a chù ri a bhonn, his dog at his heels; á larach nam bonn, instanter; thug e buinn dì, he took to his heels.
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G |
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