Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


-ein, -an, sm The coalfish, saithe (pollachius virens). Named according to its age as follows:— 1st year, Sìol or sìolagan. 2nd year, Cudaig, cudainn or saoidhean. 3rd year, Smalag, cuideanach or saoidhean. 4th year, Saoidhean or piocach. 5th year, Saoidhean-dubh or saoidhean-mór. 6th year, Ucsa or ugsa. [1st year, Cudaig; 2nd year, Smalag; 3rd year, Saoidhean; 4th year, Saoidhean-mór; after 4th year, Ucas — Lewis, (DMy)]. Bu mhath a' chudaig far nach faighte an saoidhean, the cuddy is good when no saithe can he got. The young saithe is called cuddy in some parts of Scotland and podly in others. It is sillock in Shetland. Raasay people are nicknamed “na saoitheanan.”

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saoidhean 50
neo-laghail 50