cuir, sm Twist, bend, turn. 2 Winding, meandering, as of a stream. 3 Trick, fraud. 4 Way, course. 5 Bar of music. 6 Motion, movement. 7 Revolution, 8 Case, in grammar. 9* String of beads, pearls, &c. 10 Contact, neighbourhood. 11 Direction. 12 Throw. 13 Circular motion. 14** Care. 16‡‡ Plait, fold. 17 Screwing up of the face - Arran. An car a bhitheas san t-seann mhaide, is diocair a thoirt ás, it is impossible to straighten the twist that is in the old stick; gach car a tha ann is cleas, all his wiles and tricks; thug e an car asam, he cheated me; car a' mhuiltein, a somersault; thug thu mo char is mo leth-char asam, you have cheated me in earnest, to all intents and purposes; na cuir car dheth, do not overturn it; gun aon char a chur dheth, without moving it; car chneap, a string of beads; car neamhnaidean, a string of pearls; thoir an car ás, cheat him; thoir car mun cuairt, take a turn round; tha car eile an adharc an daimh, there is another bend in the bullock's horn; car eile air ruidhle a' bhodaich, another turn in the old man's reel — this saying, and the one before it are often used when anything unexpected happens; théid sinn an car seo, we will go this way; car an aghaidh cuir, twist against turn, diamond cut diamond; gille nan car, an artful dodger; cha robh car ach car gu call, eveything that was done made matters worse; a' cur nan car dheth, dancing, very busy; cha robh car air an t-saoghal a b' fheàrr leam seach &c., there was nothing in the world I was so fond of as &c.
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trick |
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car |
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throw |
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gabh buaidh |
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win |
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Worse |
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Busy |
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