-an, -tan, sm & f Desire, will, purpose, intention. 2 Appetite, hunger. 3 Desire, love, lust. 4 The thing desired or loved. 5 Longing peculiar to a woman with child. 6 Mole on the child, due to that desire not being satisfied. 7 Complete satisfaction. 8** Delight. Dé tha a' mhiann ort a dhèanamh? what do you intend to do? am miann leat blàr? is your intention battle? an sàsaich thu miann an leòmhainn òig? will you satisfy the appetite of the young lion? a shluaigh gun chiall a thug miann don òr, the senseless people that bestowed your affections on gold; tha a' mhiann sin orm, I purpose to do that; tha a' mhiann air teicheadh, he intends to desert, to decamp; miann nan aingidh, the desire of the wicked; bàs mo naimhdean cha mhiann leam, I do not desire the death of my foes; ma tha a' mhiann ort dol dhachaigh, if you intend to go home; chan eil am miann-san sàsaichte, their appetite is not appeased; am miann leat sìth? do you wish for peace? rinn e 'gad mhiann, he did it to your entire satisfaction; tha miann air 'aodann, there is a mole on his face; bu mhiann leis triall, he chose to go; miann mo shùl, the delight of my eyes; miann a' chait san tràigh is cha doir e fhéin ás e, a proverbial saying referring to the cat's fondness for fish, which he cannot catch himself. In Arran tha e a mhiann = he wishes to, as, tha e a mhiann a dhèanamh, he wishes to do it.
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