pr pt a' leigeil & a' leigeadh, va & n. Permit, allow. 2 Slip, as dogs to the chase. 3 Let out, let go, let off. 4 Milk, as cows. 5 Rain, commence raining. 6‡‡ Apply to, commence. 7‡‡ Break off, as an imposthume. 8‡‡ Lay, lay upon. 9‡‡ Set out. 10** Overturn. 11** Place. 12** Lower. 13** Diminish. 14** Broach. 15* Fire. 16* Lance. Leig (or ghabh) sinn oirnn, we pretended, assumed; leig ort a bhith tinn, pretend to be sick; cha do leig sinn dad oirnn riutha, we disclosed nothing to them, we never made a sign to show them what we knew, we did not “let on” to them; leig ris dhaibh, explain to them; duine ris an leiginn ris mo bhriathran, one to whom I could unbosom myself. Leigidh mi an àth 'na teine, I will set the kiln on fire; leig aomadh anns a' phosta, put the post in a slanting position; leig ás, let go; leig ás na siùil, unfurl the sails; leig ás an leac, drop the flagstone; leig ás am ball langais, let go the towing-rope; leig mi e ma bharraibh nan tonn, I dropped it into the waves, I confided it to the mercy of the sea. Leig na coin ann, set the dogs at him; cùm do chù ri a leigeil, keep your dog till it is time to slip him; is tric a bha leigeadh fada aig fear gun chù, a man without means (lit. without a dog) has oftenhad a long slipping (i.e. a long innings); leig chun a chéile iad, let them at each other; leig air an adhart iad, let them move forward; leig air, begin, commence; leig iad ris na deagh ghadhair, they let slip the good hounds at him; leig an t-saighead, an urchair ris, let fly the arrow, the shot at him; leig an gunna, fire the gun; leigidh mi peilear 'annad, I will drive a bullet into you; a chiad dallanaich, a' chiad bhraightseal, a' chiad làmhach, a leig iad, the first volley, broadside, they fired; leigidh mi fios thugad, dhut, I will send you word; leig gu a luim fhéin e, leave him to his own resources, devices. Leig iad e gu ràdh a' chlaidheimh, na searraig, they referred it, appealed, to the sword, to the bottle (they made the sword or the bottle arbitrator); feumaidh tu leigeadh leam-sa sin a rádh, ars am breitheamh, you must leave that to me to say, said the judge; leig sin an urra rium-sa, entrust that to me; leigamaid chùm tuigse a' mhinisteir teagasg a thoirt, let us leave to the minister's judgment the question of the giving of teaching. Leig e cead ruith leis an tòrr bhuntàta, he allowed the pile of potatoes to slide (in all directions); leig cead dha, let him alone; leig an linne, let the water out of the reservoir; leig ruith leis an uisge, let the water run forth; leig am moll leis a ghaoith, let the chaff go with the wind; tha fear ann a leigeas a mhaidean le sruth, there is one that lets his wood go with the stream; leig am buideal, broach, tap the barrel; leig an crodh, milk the cattle; leig fuil, lance for blood; leig an lionnachadh, lance the tumour; an latha a' brath leigeil fodha, the day threatening to rain; leig e, it has begun to rain; leig d' anail, take it easy, take a breath; leig fead, whistle (you); leig e glaodh ás, he uttered a cry; leig beum leis an sgòd, let the sail-sheet suddenly out; leig sìos, diminish, lessen; 2 let down; leig cudthrom, or leig taic, lean. Leig leinn e, let him come with us; let it go, so that we can take it with us; leig leinn, let us alone, let us go on as we are; leig leat, you may go on talking, acting as you are doing, if you wish, but I will be even with you later on; also said to one who is exaggerating; leigidh mi sin leat, I will make that concession to you, I will allow you that; leig iad leatha car treis, they let her alone, let her go on for a while; leigidh sinn leis a' chùis an-dràsta, we will leave the matter alone just now; lagh a tha ag òrdachadh leigeil leis a' ghiomach, a law making a close time for lobsters compulsory; ruigidh na féidh aois mhór ma leigear leotha, deer reach a great age if left alone; cha leig mi leis an-seo e, I will not let the matter rest here; chan fhaigh thu leat e, you shall not be allowed to carry it out, you shall not have your own way in the matter; cha leig iad leis a dhìth, they will not allow him to perish; gun leigeadh Dia! God grant! nar leigeadh Dia! God forbid! cha leig i leis car a dhèanamh, she will not let him do a single hand's turn; cha leig an t-eagal leam, fear will not permit me; cha leig an nàire leam, shame will not permit me; leig mi leotha faighinn ás a' ghàbhadh a tharraing iad orra fhéin, I let them get out of the difficulty which they had brought upon themselves. Leig dhomh an t-òran a chluinntinn, let me hear the song; leig dha falbh, let him go; leig iad siubhal a chas don each-iarainn, they let the iron horse start away; cha do leig e stad dh' a chois gus &c., he never halted until &c.; leig dhut, go on your own silly way; leig dha, do not have any more to do with it; leig tàmh dha, let it alone, give it rest; ma bha iad gu math, is math — 's mur robh, leigear dhaibh, if they were good, all right — and if they were not, let them be; leigeamaid don ghlaodh gus an cluinn sinn a-rithist e, let the shouting be, let us take no notice of the shout, till we hear it again; na leig a dhìth a' Ghàidhlig, let not the Gaelic language comé to grief, die. Leig eadar sinn fhéin 's na biodagan, leave us to fight it out with our dirks; na cuireadh sin dragh sam bith ort, leig eadar mise agus sin, don't let that trouble you, I will manage that, leave it to me. Leig iad dhiubh a bhith a' gabhail cùraim, they ceased taking precautions, they ceased to be concerned; leig iad dhiubh a' chlach-neart, they ceased practising with the putting-stone; leig mi dhìom mo dhreuchd, I resigned, relinquished my office; leig dhìot, desist, cease; leig dhìot puinneag bheag de do bhoile, calm yourself a little. Leig e seachad a' chòmhrag, he let the matter of the combat pass; leig seachad gus an ath àireamh e, postpone it till next number; is i mo chomhairle-sa dhut an oidhche a-nochd a leigeil le càch, my advice to you is to do tonight as you have done on other nights; leigidh iad an eucoir thairis orra, they will permit errors to pass — said of book-critics; leigidh sinn sin seachad, we will let that pass.
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