pl. buin & bunan, sm Root, stock, stump. 2 Bottom, base, foundation, foot. 3 Socket. 4 Mouth of a river. 5 Squat, short person or animal. 6 Dependence, trust, confidence. 7 Affiance. 8‡‡ Care, charge, keeping. Bun os cionn, upside down; bun na craoibhe, the root of the tree; bun na beinne, the bottom of the hill; bun na h-altrach, the foot of the altar; spìon ás a bhuin e, root it out; na dèan bun á gàirdean feòla, place no confidence in an arm of flesh; dèan bun á Dia, place your confidence in God; chan fhàg e bun no bàrr, he will leave neither root nor branch; am bun an taighe, taking care of the house; am bun nan caoraich, tending the sheep; asad rinn ar sinnsearan bun, in thee our ancestors placed their confidence; bun eich, an old stump of a horse; bun na cìob, the root of of the mountain grass; bun balaich, a stout squat felow; bun a dhà sgéithe, the sockets of his two wings; bun an earbaill, the rump.
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