-uith & -uithe, pl. -an & -uithean, sm Metal. 2 Any stuff, substance, matter or body. 3 Eatables, anything eatable. 4 Strong drink of any kind. 4 Camlet, kind of cloth made of wool and goat's hair. 6** Serge. 7‡‡ Corn. 8 Strength. 9** Mettle. 10* Particle. 11(DMy) Kind of cloth made in olden times for petticoats and jackets for women (còta stuth, seacaid stuth). The worsted or thread used was spun on the distaff and the thread required to be very even and was pressed, the process being termed lisreagadh and the press employed, am “press” lisreagaidh. Gach stuth a tha agam, everything I possess; droch stuth, bad stuff; cha bhi stuth ort, nothing will be wrong with you; Stuth na Toiseachd, the stuff of Ferintosh, i.e. whisky; deagh stuth, good stuff.
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