Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


a [& deilbh,] -an, sm Image. 2 Statue. 3 Picture, delineation. 4 Photograph. 5 Appearance, form, figure, shape. 6** Face. 7 Contemptible, unsubstantial person. 8 Spectre, spectral-looking person. 9 Frame (of a cycle). 10 Order, arrangement. 11 Abb, warping, stitches “cast on” for knitting. 12 Mould. 13 Warping-frame. The warping-frame shown in illust. is known in Uist as “deilbh àrd,” and the term deilbh (dealbh) is seldom used in this connection alone. It is called deilbh àrd because the old original and still usual manner, of warping the thread is by fixing the fuaintean in the clay floor. Consequently, when a frame was constructed and raised up against the wall, it received the name of “deilbh àrd.”
Parts of a Warping-Frame:

1 Crann-deilbhe, crann-dealbha, or beart- dheilbh, frame.
2 Spàrr-mullaich, sail-mhullaich, upper crossbar.
3 Spàrr buinn, sail-bhuinn, lower crossbar.
4 Bacain, puist, na sailthean cliathaich, side sticks of frame, uprights, posts.
5 Fuaircean, fuaintean, pinneachan, fuaidnean (sing fuaidne) pins or pegs.
6 Bocsa na deilbhe, bocsa na céirsle, box for holding the clew.
7 Croisean, threads on frame. Croiseadh an t-snàtha, is the name of the operation shown here. Double threads are used and when finished, half the threads are on each side of the creiseim-stick.
8 Dealbhach, thread on frame.
9 Creiseim. These two pegs on upper crossbar, as in second illust. and two similar ones on lower crossbar, explain the old form of dealbh formerly in use in Lewis, but the form shown in first illust. is that generally used elsewhere. For modern form as used in Lewis see appendix. The form of winding thread on two top and bottom pegs in lower ill. is called creiseim in Lewis.
Ghoid Rachel na dealbhan, Rachel stole the images; agus bha an talamh gun dealbh, and the earth was without form; gnothach gun dealbh, an absurd thing; is beag dealbh a tha air, it is out of form or arrangement; cuir air dealbh, or cuir dealbh air, arrange, adjust, put in order; maiseach 'na dealbh, comely in her person; le dà dhealbh chuilean, with the remains of two dogs Leabh. na Féinne, p.164. 14(DU) Small quantity. 15 Its semblance. Dealbh uisge, a small quantity of water; thoir dealbh dheth sin, give a small quantity of that - West coast of Ross.
In the old manner of warping the thread, the creiseim is formed in Lewis in the manner shown in Ill. 263a. In the modern method with the new looms now in use in Lewis, twelve threads are used and the creiseim is formed on 3 pegs in the upper bar and two pegs in the lower bar. Care must be taken when working the thread, that the same order is used when returning from the lower creiseim to the upper, otherwise the thread can never make the desired cloth. The posts or side sticks are about one and a half yards apart.

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picture 20
photograph 20
dealbh 100
because 0
Cast 0
shape 0
Tuaregeach 50
Bottom 0