-a, -an, sm Hill, mountain of an abrupt or conical form, lofty hill. 2 Eminence. 3 Mound, large heap. 4** Rock. 5 Grave, tomb. 6 Tower. 7 Heap of ruins. 8 Castle. 9 Body of men, congregation, crowd. 10* Womb — Ossian. †11 Belly. 12(DU) Large quantity of anything. Tòrr gainneimh, a heap of sand; tòrr-coirce, a quantity of oats built in little cocks on the rigs or ground — Lewis — (DMy); bho thòrr-thìr an t-sneachd, from the hilly land of snow; mo chlann san tòrr, my children in the tomb.
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