[-ainn &] -oinn sm Plough. 2 Bar, bolt. 3 Tree. 4 Beam. 5 Mast. 6 Shaft. 7 Lot. 8 Measure for fresh herrings (cran). 9* Chance, risk, ballot. 10* Partiality, side, interest. 11‡‡ Membrum virile, penis. 12 Saltire in heraldry — St. Andrew's Cross —the National Badge of Scotland. 13 see crann-arain — Astron. Cuir na h-eich sa chrann, yoke the horses in the plough; cuir an crann air an doras, bar or bolt the door; crann na luinge, the ship's mast; thàinig an crann air, he was chosen by ballot, chan eil cuid no crann agad sa ghnothach seo, you have neither lot nor part in this affair; tha Dia Iehobhah air mo chrann, the Lord Jehovah is on my side; có a bhitheas air do chrann? who shall be your friend? ma bhitheas tusa air mo chrann, if you befriend me; gabh cuid do chroinn, take your chance; mas e sin do chrann, if that be your lot; ris a' chrann, at the plough, ploughing; Lebanon nan crann woody Lebanon; an crann meadhanach, the middle bar; cóig croinn, five bars; tilg croinn, cast lots.
Parts of a Plough [a more detailed list will be found under crann nan gad]: 1 Ceann, head — to which the soc is fixed. 2 Uaidne, pl -an, Corrag a' chrainn, handle, stilt. (AH) Spàg, pl -an, still; corrag, handle. 3 Urchaill, urchair sf , bòrd-urchair sm, furrow-board, mould-board. —(AH) Sgiath. 4 Druide-bòrd, earth-board, left earth-board. 5 Earrghas, mainpiece. 6 Ceidhe, ceighe, ceadha, ceann-suic, share- beam, part to which the share is fixed. —(AH) 7 Amhach (AH), Druim (CR) Part extending from upper corner of furrow-board to the muzzle- holder. 8 Bonn, sm Bottom. 9 Bòrd-taoibh, sm Perpendicular piece to left, left earth-board, “bosom-plate”. 10 Corragan, sf pl Hafts. 11 Fuaidean, spl Hands of plough. 12 Gearraiseach, sm Swingle-chain (1) between swingle-tree and horses; (2) between swingle-tree and plough or harrow. 13 Gobhal sm, Space between the stilts. 14 Gòbhlachan, sm Iron joining the furrow-board to the left-hand board of the plough. 15 Iarainn-amaill, sm Irons for swing-tree. 16 Iarainn-ghreallag, sm Irons for trestle-trees. 17 Muiseal, sm Muzzle. 18 Mullach, sm Main dorsal portion of a plough beam. 19 Slat, sf Stay. 20 Tarsanain, spl Cross-bars. Chuir e car sa chrann, he turned the plough upside down, said of guest who put in a very long visit - signifying that he stayed from early evening when the crann (Plough in the constellation of the Great Bear) was “on even keel” below the pole until it was turned upside down in the morning - he must have stayed twelve hours.
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