-òige, brògan, sf Shoe. 2 Hoof 3 By a figure of speech, Foot. 4 Sorrow. 5(DU) Fish-roe — Gairloch, Loch Broom, &c. 6(CR) Spawn of cod, coalfish and other large sea fish - West coast of Ross. (Iuchair, sf is the spawn of herring and salmon.) 7 Clog of a cart. [The Highland bròg was made of a piece of raw hide with the hair turned outwards and tied before and behind with a thong. Cuir ort do bhrògan, put on your shoes; bròg an eich, the hoof of the horse; buailidh e bròg ort fhathast, you will feel the bad effects (sorrow) of that again; bhuail an t-earrach seo bròg oirnn, we have felt the sad effects of this untoward spring; bho mhullach gu bròig, from heat to foot; brògan air a' chat! nam bitheadh na h-osain air, rachadh e á cnàimh na h-amhaich, the cat with shoes on! had he those on, he would break his neck (with conceit) — said of a conceited person who has little to be conceited about; bròg a' chroinn, a mutt-step (see bàta, p. 76); bròg gun deireadh, a sandal, or slipper; brògan tionndaidh, shoes turned inside out after being sewn; bròg truisg, cod's roe.
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