-a, -an, sm Shadow, shade. 2 Pretence. 3 Disgust. 4 Fright, fear, dread, apprehension. 5 Sake, account 6 Nearness, propinquity. 7 Bashfulness, timidity. 8(AC) see sgoth. 9* Shelter, protection. 10** Veil, covering. Tha mi fo sgàth, I am afraid; tha thu a' cur sgàth orm, you make me feel squeamish; sgàth Dhé, the fear of God; sgàth an taighe, the shelter of the house; fo sgàth do sgéith, under the covert of your wings; air sgàth sgoinne, for decency's sake; na dh'fhuiling e air mo sgàth-sa, what he suffered on my account; gun sgàth, without dread; air sgàth, for the sake of; on pretence of; a' gabhail sgàth, taking fright.
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