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air /ɛrʲ ~ ɔrɔm ɔRʃd ɛrʲ ɔRə ɔːRNʲ ɔrʲɪv ɔRə/ Listen
roi. (air an; orm, ort, air, oirre, oirnn, oirbh, orra)
1 on, upon 2 about

Cuideachadh leis a' mhapa / Map help

In the table below, the regions of dialectal/colloquial forms are marked but this is indicative i.e. they may not occur elsewhere too. For example, a form marked Lewis may also occur on Skye but may not have been recorded in the literature to date.

  IPA Meaning Colloquial/dialectal variants
orm /ɔrɔm/ on me orm /aram/ (L/Su)
 orm-sa /ɔrɔmsə/ on ME  
ort /ɔRʃd/ on you oirt /ɔRʃdʲ/ (P)
 ort-sa /ɔRʃdsə/ on YOU  
air /ɛrʲ/ on him  
 air-san /ɛrʲsən/ on HIM  
oirre /ɔRə/ on her uirre /uRə/ (Ag/K), oirre /ɔRɔ/ (B), oirre /ɔrhə/ (S)
 oirre-se /ɔRəʃə/ on HER  
oirnn /ɔːRNʲ/ on us oirnn /ɔrʲɪNʲ/ (B), oirnn /ɔrɪn/ (K/P/Su), oirrn /ɔːRn/ (L)
 oirnne /ɔːRNʲə/ on US orn-sa /ɔrns/ (P)
oirbh /ɔrʲɪv/ on youse oirbh /ɔrɪ/ (P/S/Su), oirbh /ɔru/ (S/Su), oirbh /ɤðɤv/ (L)
 oirbh-se /ɔrʲɪvʃə/ on YOUSE oirbh-sa /ɔrɪs/ (P)
orra /ɔRə/ on them orra /ɔRɔ/ (B), orra /ɔrhə/ (S)
 orra-san /ɔRəsən/ on THEM  
      air dho /ərə/ on your (B, SI)

᚛ Ag Argyll · B Barra · H Harris · IJ Islay/Jura · K Kintyre · L Lewis · M Mull · P Perthshire · R Ross · S Skye · SI Small Isles · Su Sutherland · TC Tiree/Coll · U Uist/Benbecula · ♻️ universally common 

Cruthan eile an fhacail

Beachdan nam fileantach/Fluent speaker judgements: 782
Chan eil mi eòlach air an fhacal seo idir / I don't know this word 0 %
Tuigidh mi am facal seo ach cha chleachd mi e / I know this word but don't use it 0 %
Tuigidh is cleachdaidh mi am facal seo / I know this word and use it 100 %