Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
baile -tean, sm Village, hamlet, town. 2 Home. 3 Farm. †5‡‡ Clan, tribe. 6 Grange. 7 Farm buildings...an còrr |
baile mór pl bailtean móra, sm City, large town. 2 Metropolis. |
á prep Out of. á taigh na daorsa, out of the house of bondage; á tìr na h-Éiphit, out...an còrr |
aig prep At, near, close by. 2 In possession. 3 On account of. 4 For. 5 On. Is mór agam sin, I...an còrr |
am def art (nom sing masc) The. [Used before words beginning with B, F, M or P]. A...an còrr |
am prep In. [Used for an before a word beginning with B, F, M or P]. Am baile, in a t...an còrr |
fada faide, a Long, of great length, the opposite of short. 2 Of long continuance, for a lo...an còrr |
fear sm Man. 2 Husband. 3 Any object or person of the masculine gender. 4 Male. Thus Declined: Ind...an còrr |
glac pr pt a' glacail & a' glacadh, va Take, seize, catch. 2 Snatch. 3 Apprehend. 4 Fee...an còrr |
maise sf ind Beauty, comeliness, gracefulness, elegance, bloom. 2 Ornament, decoration. Chuireadh t...an còrr |
margadh -aidh, -ean, sm & f Market, fair. 2 Buying or selling, sale. An d'fhuair thu margadh dha?...an còrr |
port -uirt, pl. -uirt & -an, sm Port, harbour. 2 Ferry, passage. 3 Strait, firth. 4** G...an còrr |
seach prep. Past, beyond, farther than. 2 More than, rather than. Seach an doras, past the door;...an còrr |
sìos adv Down, downwards (from one) —down towards one is a-nuas. 2 (shìos) Resting be...an còrr |
siubhail pr pt a' siubhal, va & n. Go, move, walk, stroll. 2 Depart, set off. 3 Fly,...an còrr |
suidhich pr pt a' suidheachadh, va Settle, appoint, order, plan, arrange. 2 Place, plant, set. ...an còrr |
taobh pr pt a' taobhadh, vn Side with anyone, favour, be partial. 2 Come nigh to, approach. ...an còrr |
thall adv On the other side, yonder, beyond. 2 Abroad. 3* Over against. Thall 's a-bhos, hither ...an còrr |
ud demon adj That, yon, yonder. Thall ud, over there; am baile ud thall, ...an còrr |
gabh pr pt a' gabhail, va & n. Some idiomatic connections of gabh grouped under ...an còrr |
bara (? barail) s Thoughts, mind. Is miste baile fear is a' bhara ri falbh, a township i...an còrr |
baile-daingnichte ‡‡ sm Fortified town. |
baile-dùthcha ‡‡ sm Country town. |
baile-fearainn ‡‡ sm Farm. |
baile-geamhraidh sm Infield, the low grounds of a Highland farm. 2‡‡ Strath residence. |