Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
ciste pl. cisteachan, sf Chest, box, coffer. 2 Coffin. 3** Treasure. 4** rarely Cake. |
cisd see ciste. |
cisde see ciste. |
cisdeag -eig, sf (cisteag) dim. of ciste. |
cisteachan npl of ciste. |
cistean -ein, sm dim. of ciste. Little chest, little trunk. |
ciste-chaol (MMcD) sf Wooden settee, with bottom and sides closed in and lid on top, about 7ft. long, pla...an còrr |
ciste-mhairbhe ** sf Coffin. Chuireadh ann an ciste-mhairbhe e, he was put into a coffin. |
ciste-mhine sf Meal-chest. |
seis (MMcD) s. Kind of chest, see ciste-chaol. |
taiseadach * -aich, sm Shroud, winding sheet. Ciste is taiseadach, coffin and winding-s...an còrr |
tiodal -ail, -an, sm Title. Nach eil còir aice an ciste air tiodal na rìoghachd, that it has not ...an còrr |