Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
céile sm & f Spouse. 2 Husband. 3 Wife. 4 Equal, match. 5 Servant. Athair céile, a father-in...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
fear sm Man. 2 Husband. 3 Any object or person of the masculine gender. 4 Male. Thus Declined: Ind...an còrr |
glas -aise, a. Grey, pale, wan, ashy, sallow. 2 Poor. 3(DC) Green, as grass, unripe corn, &c. ...an còrr |
gu conj. That, to the end that. Used to signify a wish or idea, and implies that a sentence whic...an còrr |
lùchairt -e, -ean, sf Palace. 2 Castle. 3** Court. 4** Fort. 5** Retinue. Ionad-lùchairte am measg nan...an còrr |
guaillibh dat. pl. of gualann. Clann nan Gàidheal ann an [not ri, wh...an còrr |
abù! int An ancient warcry of the Gàidheal. |
beannachadh-bàird sm Poet's congratulation. It was the custom in the Highlands, of old, to meet the bride coini...an còrr |
bobag †† -aig, sm Boy, chum. [Used chiefly in the Vocative case, — a bhobaig! a...an còrr |
caraid nan Gàidheal (AF) sm Gannet (bird) see tabhs. |
dùth * sm Complement, proportion, equitable share, proportionate quantity or number. Tha mo dhùth ...an còrr |
logaid -ean, sm & f Varlet, rascal. 2 Soft, effeminate fellow. 3 Lean, starving cow. 4 Ghost. Gu...an còrr |
buaileam ort! int I accept your challenge. Gàidheal II 172. |
cas-labhairt (MS) sf Asperity. 2 Affront. 3 Stamping? Gàidheal III, 115. |
ceannach-ruidil sm Waste after sifting? Gàidheal, II 342. |
ceannsachadh-cheud sm Ghabh e mire-chath, 's an uair a ràinig e bha ceannsachadh-cheud aca air, he was seized...an còrr |
ciad-lomaidh an ~, sf see ceud-lomaidh. Gàidheal III, 74. |
cistidh sf Coffin. Gàidheal II 360. |
cno sf Gruffness. Gàidheal III 74. |
creineastair sm ? Skipper. Gàidheal III 72. |
cruaidh-bhuilg s Corn on the foot? Gàidheal II 236. |
cumail-chas Bha e gun chumail-chas, he couldn't stand on his feet. An Gàidheal III, p 74. |
deacadh sm Phonetic spelling of deachdadh, inditing. Gàidheal II 53. |