Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
gaoth /gɯː/ boir. gin. gaoithe, iol. -an
1 wind 2 (with def. art.) flatulence |
gaoth /gɯː/ fir. gin. gaoith, iol. -an
1 shallow (esp. estuarine) stream 2 marsh |
chan eil gaoth a shéideas nach dèan feum do chuid-eigin it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good (fig.) |
gaoth a deas, teas is toradh wind from the South, warmth and harvest |
gaoth nan seachd tacan strong contrary westerly wind (forcing boats to tack at least seven times before reaching their destination) |
gaoth a tuath, fuachd is gailleann wind from the North, cold and storm |
cha dàinig gaoth mhór a-riamh gun uisge there will be tears before bedtime (fig.) |
gaoth an ceann headwind |
gaoth chothromach fair/favourable wind |
gaoth an ear, teas is toradh wind from the East, fruit and produce |
gaoth an iar, iasg is bainne wind from the West, fish and milk |
gaoth charach whirlwind |
meall gaoithe gust of wind |
a' buain le gaoth cutting and floating seaweed (i.e. so the wind and tide bring it to shore from the skerries) |
gaoth pheithreach hurricane |
gaoth a tuath, fuachd is cranndachd wind from the North, cold and withering cold |
gaoth fo sheòl is sròin coin, dà rud cho fuar 's a tha ann /gɯː fɔ hjɔːL ə sdrɔːN kɔNʲ daː rud xɔ fuər sə hãũN/ wind under sail and a dog's snout, two of the coldest things there are |
faigh gaoth dheth catch a whiff of it! |
gaoth aiteimh thawing wind |
gaoth a tuath, fuachd is feannadh wind from the North, cold and lashing (weather) |
gaoth an ear, tart is crannadh wind from the East, drought and withering |
gaoth sheasmhach a steady wind |
gaoth-chuairtlein boir. gin. gaoithe-cuairtlein, iol. -an-cuairtlein
gaoth an ear, meas air na crannaibh wind from the East, fruit on the trees |
gaoth fhreagarrach fair wind |
Toraidhean Dwelly
gaoth gaoithe, pl. -an & gaoithean [Suth'd gaoitean,] sf Wind. 2§ Flatulen...an còrr |
gaoth † a. Prudent. |
gaoth † sf Dart. 2 Sea. 3 Theft. |
tréig pr pt a' tréigsinn, va & n Leave, quit, relinquish, desert, forsake, abandon. 2 Be...an còrr |
àird an ear -de an ear, sf The East, the east point. Gaoth na h-àirde an ear, the east wind; ...an còrr |
àird an iar -de an iar, sf The West, the west point. Gaoth na h-àirde an iar, the west, wind; a dh...an còrr |
ath a Next, again. An ath-uair, the next time, or next hour; san ath-dhoras, in ...an còrr |
ath-thionndadh -aidh, sm Second turning. 2 Returning a second time. 3 Causing to turn a second time, 4** Edd...an còrr |
ceò gen ceò & ceòtha, pl. ceòtha, sm Mist, vapour, fog. 2* Amazement. 3** ra...an còrr |
deas deise, a South. 2 Right-hand (side). 3 Ready, prepared. 4 Dexterous, skilful, expert. 5 Prope...an còrr |
ear sf ind The East, eastward. Bhon ear, from the East; an ear-thuath, the North-East; ...an còrr |
gaoth-mheidh -e, -ean, sf Wind-gauge, anemometer, [better, meidh-ghaoithe]. |
luasgan -ain, -an, sm Tottering. 2 Jolting or rocking a cradle. 3†† Heaving, tossing. 4...an còrr |
Màrt -àirt, sm Month of March. 2 Tuesday. 3 Time suitable for agricultural work. 4* Busiest time a...an còrr |
stoirmeil -e, a. Stormy, blowy, keen, tempestuous. 2** Manly. Gaoth stoirmeil, a stormy wind |
tuath a North, northern. An àirde tuath, the North; bhon tuath, from the North ...an còrr |
ainealadh pr pt A variation of anaileadh. Breathing. Gaoth tuath cho cruaidh ri slait ag ainealadh os c...an còrr |
geaslanachd (DC) sf Divination, foretelling. Geaslanachd na Callainne, the divination of Hogmanay. The di...an còrr |
àird-tuath -e-tuath, sf The North, the north point. Gaoth na h-àirde tuath, the north wind; a dh'...an còrr |
gaoth-ruadh ** -aidh, sm Blasting wind, mildew. |
gaoth-sgeulachd sf Description of the winds. |
gaoth-thomhaisear sm Anemometer. |
froiseach -eiche, a Scattering in every direction, wide scattering. 2 Shaking off, as corn. Gaot...an còrr |
gaoith sometimes used for gaoth. |
oiteagach -aiche, a. Breezy, squally, windy. Gaoth oiteagach, a wind that comes in gusts or squalls....an còrr |