Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
gleann gen glinn & glinne, pl. glinn, gleanna, gleannan, gleanntaidh, glinnte ...an còrr |
dìthean ‡ -ein, sm Daisy, darnel (bellis perennis). 2 Blossom, any flower, see breòille...an còrr |
eireachdas -ais, sm Handsomeness, showiness, good appearance. 2 Good breeding. 3 Congregation. 4* Decenc...an còrr |
glinn npl of gleann. Rugadh thu sna glinn, you were born in the glens. |
smàl gen -àil [smeòil — W. of Ross]. pl. -an, sm Snuff of a candle. 2 Vapour, ...an còrr |
màm -àim, -an, sm Hill of a particular form, slowly rising and not pointed, large round hill. 2 H...an còrr |
glinnte npl of gleann. A' ruith gu glinnte, running towards the valleys. |
càthar a Husky, seedy, full of seeds or husks. 2 Mossy, soft. Gu gleann càthair, to a mos...an còrr |
éildeach -iche, a. Abounding in hinds. 2 Of, or belonging to hinds. Gleann éildeach, the valley of ...an còrr |
garbhag nan gleann § sf Clubmoss, see crotal nam madadh ruadh. |
gleanntaibh dat. pl. of gleann. |
gleanntaidh npl of gleann. |
gleanntan npl of gleann. |
glinne gen sing of gleann. |
lili nan gleann see lili nan lòn. |
mang -aing, -an, sf Fawn. 2 Deer one-year old, brocket. 3** Young hart. 4** Craftiness, deceit. 5*...an còrr |
millteach -ich, sm Good grass, tufts of grass, mountain grass. 2‡‡ Destructive person. 3‡‡ Prodigal. 4*...an còrr |
mòdhar -aire, a. Soft, mild, tender. 2 Quiet, calm, still. 3 Silly. 4 Gentle. 5 Limber, mannerly. 6 ...an còrr |
staoileadh sm Title, style. Staoileadh Éirinn, stéidh na creidimh, Ireland's title, Faith's defender ...an còrr |
aorannachadh from Cuairtear nan Gleann (Caipt Ruadh Gl. dubha). |