Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
a-muigh adv Out, without, the outside. Air an taobh a-muigh, on the outside; tha e a-muigh, ...an còrr |
a-mach adv Out. 2 Out of. Thig a-mach, come out; a-mach air a chéile, at variance. [A-...an còrr |
blàr gen sing -àir, n pl -àir, -a, & -an, sm Plain, field. 2 Ground, floor. 3 Wh...an còrr |
muigh adv Out, without, outside. 2 Superficially. A-muigh, on the outside; a chùm a-m...an còrr |
muileann -inn, pl. -an & muilnean, sm Mill. Air cùl a' mhuilinn, behind the mill. Al...an còrr |
tachair pr pt a' tachairt, va & n. Happen, come to pass, meet with, meet, light upo...an còrr |
taobh -aoibh, -an, sm Side, flank. 2 Course, way, direction. 3 Liking, kindness, friendship. 4 Part...an còrr |
taobh a-muigh ** sm The outside. 2 Without. 3 Outward. |
a-mach is employed both of motion and rest in Perthshire and a-muigh is not used there (CR). |
bribid (JM) sf Small debt. Tha bribidean fhiach aige a-muigh, he has small debts out i.e. ...an còrr |
leth a-muigh ** sm Outside, exterior. Bhon leth a-muigh, from the outside. |
leth-muigh see leth a-muigh. |
pic -e, -ean, sf Pitch. Còmhdaichidh tu a-staigh 's a-muigh le pic, thou shall cover it within...an còrr |
steach (i.e. a-steach) adv In, to within, into. 2 In the house, into the house. Steach is use...an còrr |
tinneas a-muigh (an), sm Epilepsy — JGC W 97. |
amuich † adv see a-muigh. |