Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
a-nìos /əˈNʲiəs/  co-ghn.
up, upwards (motion towards the speaker) |
a-nios /əˈnis/ co-ghn. neo-ath.
1 now (as opposed to previously) 2 now then, next |
òrdugh a-nìos ascending order |
a' tilleadh a-nìos 1 (act of) returning uphill 2 (act of) retreating, flinching |
gleabh a-nìos come up! |
Toraidhean Dwelly
a-nìos adv Up, from below (towards one). 2** From the East. Thig a-nìos an-seo, come up here. |
a-nios see a-nis. |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
fios -a, sm [sf in Badenoch]. Knowledge, information. 2 Notice, intelligence. 3 Word...an còrr |
teann pr pt a' teannadh, va & n. Move, stir, proceed, go, approach, come. 2 Fall ...an còrr |
bréine * sf Turbulence, turbulent disposition. 3** Stink. Thig a bhréine a-nìos, his stink shall ...an còrr |
nìos adv (a-nìos) From below, up (towards the speaker). Thoir a-nìos, bring up; a-sìos agus...an còrr |
do-licheinn a Stormy. Bheireadh iad a-nìos ri am do-licheinn, that would pull them through in the stor...an còrr |