Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
a-nall adv Hither, to this side, over, from the other side. |
nall (i.e. a-nall) adv To this side, hither, towards us, from the other side. A-nunn 's a-nall, ...an còrr |
a-null adv To the other side. A-null 's a-nall, thither and hither. |
gluasad -aid, -an, sm Moving, movement, motion. 2 Act of motion. 3* Agitation. 4 Conduct, beha...an còrr |
teann pr pt a' teannadh, va & n. Move, stir, proceed, go, approach, come. 2 Fall ...an còrr |
fair pr pt a' faireadh, v. def. Give me, bring. Fair a-nall an t-searrag, hand over the ...an còrr |
nunn adv (a-nunn) Thither, to the other side, beyond, over. Theirig a-nunn, go over;...an còrr |
siùdan -ain, -an, sm Swinging, rocking, vibrating. 2 Swing. 3 Oscillation. 4** Any instrument for sw...an còrr |
ath-aodach The following is said to a person who has got on a new suit or article of clothing: Meal is caith e,...an còrr |