Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
a-steach adv In, into. Chaidh iad a-steach, they went in. See note on a-mach. |
a-mach adv Out. 2 Out of. Thig a-mach, come out; a-mach air a chéile, at variance. [A-...an còrr |
aon aoin, a One. 2 Alone. 3 Same. 4 Only. 5 Ace. [Aspirates noun following except one beginning w...an còrr |
blàth -àithe, a. Warm. 2 Warm-hearted. 3 Pleasant, kind. 4 Affectionate. 5** rarely White, c...an còrr |
canntaireachd sf Chanting, singing, warbling. 2** Melodiousness. 3** Song-singing. 4** Merriment. 5(a) The ...an còrr |
deann -a, -an, sf Force. 2 Haste, velocity, hurry, speed. 3 Particle, very small quantity of anythi...an còrr |
deò sf Breath. 2 Air. 3 The vital spark, life. 4 Ray of light. 5 Vision. 6** Place where a stream...an còrr |
feadhainn -dhna, -dhnach, s.pl. People, folks, 2 Band, troop, company. 3 Group of persons or things. 4*...an còrr |
fios -a, sm [sf in Badenoch]. Knowledge, information. 2 Notice, intelligence. 3 Word...an còrr |
teachd a-steach ** sm Income, revenue. 2 Coming in. |
teirig pr pt a' teireachdainn, va & n. Fail, be spent, be exhausted. 2 Wear out, spend, e...an còrr |
thig irr v Come. 2 (with prep do) Become, suit, fit, befit. 3 (with prep ris) Agree ...an còrr |
tuit pr pt a' tuiteam, vn Fall. 2 Happen, befall, chance. 3 Stumble, slip. 4 Subside. 5 Sin...an còrr |
taobh a-steach ** sm The inner side. |
teachd a-staigh see teachd a-steach. |
buailidh ** sf Dairy, milk-house. 2 Stall. 3 Fold. A-steach don bhuailidh, into the milking-house....an còrr |
foirm -e, sm see fuirm. 2 Pomp, display, ostentation — Dàin I. Ghobha. 3(AH) Dash, swagger. ...an còrr |
steach (i.e. a-steach) adv In, to within, into. 2 In the house, into the house. Steach is use...an còrr |
tighinn a-steach ** sf Coming in, entrance. 2 Income, revenue. |
tu pers pron You (sing). [For information as to the distinctive uses of tu and ...an còrr |
a-staigh is employed both of motion and rest in Perthshire, a-steach not being used there at all. (CR)...an còrr |
bris a-steach v Break into a house. |