Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
aca or ac', prep pron (aig + iad) Of them, on their side, with them, at them, on them, in ...an còrr |
aig prep At, near, close by. 2 In possession. 3 On account of. 4 For. 5 On. Is mór agam sin, I...an còrr |
aon aoin, a One. 2 Alone. 3 Same. 4 Only. 5 Ace. [Aspirates noun following except one beginning w...an còrr |
bàrr -a, sm Top, uppermost part of anything. 2 Point, as of a weapon or shoe. 3 Crop of grain, gra...an còrr |
bathar -air, sm Wares, goods, merchandise. 2** Bale. 3** see bàrr. 4(CR) Whisky - Arran. 5(DC...an còrr |
coma a Indifferent, not caring, regardless. Is coma leam thu, I hate you; nach coma leat-s...an còrr |
cuairt -e, -ean, sf Circle, circuit, cycle, zone, circumference. 2 Circulation. 3 Bound. 4 Expeditio...an còrr |
cuid irreg. sf Declined thus:—
...an còrr |
dara a Second, either, either of two. An dara h-uair, the second time; an dara h-ài...an còrr |
eighe -achan, sf File, especially a 3-corner one. 2†† Peat-cutter. Bha eighe aca, ...an còrr |
iomall -aill, -an, sm Border, extremity, limit. 2 Suburbs of a town. 3 Fault. 4* Refuse, remainder. ...an còrr |
mór 1st comp motha, 2nd comp mothaid, ...an còrr |
móran -ain, sm coll. Great number, multitude, many. 2 Much, great quantity. Tha móran aca ag ràdh, ...an còrr |
son prep. impr. & adv (air son) adv For, because of, on account of. 2 For the purpose ...an còrr |
gleus -eòis & -a, sm & f Order, manner, condition, trim. 2 Mean, means. 3 Activity. 4 Actio...an còrr |
uibhir sf ind Number, quantity, sum. 2** Account. Tha uibhir is uibhir aca, they have share and s...an còrr |
dealbhas -ais, sm Misery. 2 Poverty. Chan eil aca ach an dealbhas, they have nothing but poverty....an còrr |
tùislein (AH) sm Case of accouchment. Bha tùislein aca san taigh ud shuas an-raoir, they had a case...an còrr |
acasa Emphatic form of prep pron aca. |
acasan Emphatic form of prep pron aca. |
coca? (for có aca?) Which of the two? |
coingeis -e, a Indifferent, free, independent. 2†† Equally ready. Tha mi coingeis...an còrr |
sligeadh ** -idh, sm Fomentation. 2 Dividing with shells. 3 Drinking from shells. Shells and horns wer...an còrr |
spàinteach -ich, sm & f Spaniard, long kind of fowling-piece understood to have been made in Spain. ...an còrr |
uachdaranachd sf Government, sovereignty, principality, supremacy, dominion, rule. Bitheadh uachdaranachd a...an còrr |