Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
aice sf Proximity. 2 (faice) Lobster's hole, crab hole. †3|| Band, tying. |
aice prep pron With her, at her, on her, in her possession. 2 In her remembrance. Tha dùslach òir ...an còrr |
aice † adv Near, close at hand, also taice. |
aig prep At, near, close by. 2 In possession. 3 On account of. 4 For. 5 On. Is mór agam sin, I...an còrr |
ás prep Out of, from out. [Ás drops the s when followed by a consonant]. á taigh na daors...an còrr |
beò-shlàinte sf Life-rent, livelihood. 2†† Lifetime. Tha a beò-shlàinte aice dheth, she h...an còrr |
gluasad -aid, -an, sm Moving, movement, motion. 2 Act of motion. 3* Agitation. 4 Conduct, beha...an còrr |
srann -ainn & -a, pl. -an, sf Snore, snorting. 2 Whizzing or whistling sound. 3 Whistlin...an còrr |
stràc -àice, -an, sf Accent. Stràc gheur or stràc bhrisg, acute accent; stràc mhall, ...an còrr |
bh' (for bha) Used before a word beginning with a vowel, as, an duine a bh' ann, whoever it wa...an còrr |
cruac -aice, -aicean, see cnuachd. |
eirbheirt -e, sf Moving, stirring. 2 Power of motion. 3 Endeavour. 4** Burden. 5†† Activi...an còrr |
faice sf see aice, 3. 2** Tatter. |
ionnrac † -aice, a. see ionraic. |
tagan -ain, sm Pocket, little bag. 2 Private or hidden purse, as of a wife. Tha tagan math aice, ...an còrr |
tiodal -ail, -an, sm Title. Nach eil còir aice an ciste air tiodal na rìoghachd, that it has not ...an còrr |
toite † a Aice tha a' chroiteag is toite (“tight” in current edition) san Eòrpa,...an còrr |