Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
air /ɛrʲ ~ ɔrɔm ɔRʃd ɛrʲ ɔRə ɔːRNʲ ɔrʲɪv ɔRə/ roi. (air an; orm, ort, air, oirre, oirnn, oirbh, orra)
deò /dʲɔː/ boir. neo-ath.
1 breath of air/wind 2 breath of life, vital spark |
àile /aːlə/ fir. iol. -an
1 air 2 atmosphere 3 scent, smell |
adhar /a.ər/ fir. gin. -air
èadhar /ɛː.ər/ fir. gin. -eir, iol. -an
air /ɛrʲ/ roi. neo-ath.
thar /har/ roi. (tharam, tharad, thairis air, thairte, tharainn, tharaibh, tharta)
across, over (high register, usually periphrastic thairis orm/ort/air etc is used) |
Inbhir Àir ainm-àite
fàileadh /faːləɣ/ fir. gin. -lidh, iol. -lidhean
1 air 2 atmosphere 3 scent, smell, odour 4 (act of) putrefying |
air bhoile in a rage, mad, angry |
air a bheil uallach airson Calum who is responsible for Calum, with responsibility for Calum |
àr /aːr/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. àir
1 battle 2 battlefield 3 slaughter 4 death |
àileadh /aːləɣ/ fir. gin. -lidh, iol. -lidhean
1 air 2 atmosphere 3 scent, smell |
air theas in heat |
tha smùid air Calum 1 Calum is drunk/half-cut 2 Calum is stoned/high |
dall air 1 attack/lay into it! 2 get going with it! |
facal air an fhacal word for word, literally, verbatim |
gun tighinn air giomaich 1 let alone lobsters 2 without mentioning lobsters |
tha i gaolach air a' ghiomach a dh'itheas i a bhith ùr /ha i gɯːLəx ɛrʲ ə ʝiməx ə ʝiçəs i vi uːr/ she likes her lobster to be fresh |
gabh beachd air càr take a look at/investigate a car! |
tha an latha a' togail air the day is improving |
tha an taoim air a dhol thairis air na reangan things have been allowed to go too far (fig.) |
sin na tha cuimhne agam air that's all I remember |
tha Màiri air mhire Màiri is ecstatic/overjoyed |
leig air at lance an abscess! |
Toraidhean Dwelly
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
air prep pron On him, on it. 2 Upon him, upon it. 3 In his possession. 4 On him as a duty....an còrr |
air over. In Arran, dol air beinn means going over the hill, but in the south of Arran it ...an còrr |
àir va Plough, till, cultivate. 2 Number, count. Iadsan a dh'àireas euceart, they who plough i...an còrr |
àir gen sing of àr. |
adhbhar -air, -airean, sm Cause, reason. 2 Subject, matter. Adhbhar bròin, a cause of grief; c...an còrr |
àm ama, amannan, sm Time in general, past or present. 2 Season. 3 Convenience. 'S e seo an t-àm,...an còrr |
anail gen analach & anaile, n pl anailean, sf Breath. 2 Breeze, air. 3 Best. 4 Op...an còrr |
air do conj As. Air dhomh a bhith teàrnadh, as I was coming down; air dhomh a thogail (in the...an còrr |
air chùl adv Behind. |
bealach -aich, -aichean, sm Defile, passage, pass or gorge of a mountain, glen. 2 Gap, breach in a wa...an còrr |
achd pl -anna, sm Act, statute, decree. 2 Deed. 3 Case. 4 Account. 5 State, condition. 6 Ma...an còrr |
aineolach -aiche, a Ignorant, unintelligent, rude, unlearned. Aineolach air seo, ignorant of this. ...an còrr |
aon-mhac -mhic, sm Only son. Thuit e air aodann 'aoin-mhic, he fell on the face of his only son....an còrr |
bacach -aiche, a Lame, crippled, maimed. 2 Rugged. 3** Causing hinderance or delay. 4 Hilly. Duine b...an còrr |
beò a Alive, living. 2 Quick, lively, sprightly. Am beò e? is he alive? tha e gu math beò,...an còrr |
bogha -chan, sm Bow. 2 Bow, bend. 3 Arch. 4 Vault. 5 Rock sunk at sea ("blinder.") 6 Wave...an còrr |
a dh'fhios prep To the knowledge of. 2(MH) Towards. 3(CR) In case. Thoir leat e a dh'fhios am bi feum ai...an còrr |
balgair -e, -ean, sm Fox. 2 in contempt Cunning fellow. 3 Dog. 4 Impudent person. 5 Glutton. 6...an còrr |
àrdachadh -aidh, sm Act of raiding, exalting, or heightening. 2 Advancement, promotion, honour, preferm...an còrr |
bannag -aig, sf New Year's gift. 2 Treat given to one on his first visit on New Year's day. 3 New Ye...an còrr |
air falbhan ** adv Afoot. |
breith sf Judgment, sentence, decision. 2 Row, rank. 3 Layer. 4 Birth, descent. 5 Interpretation, si...an còrr |
atharrachadh -aidh, sm Change, alteration. 2 Removal, flitting. 3 Version. 4 Another. Ag atharrachadh, ...an còrr |
màm -àim, -an, sm Hill of a particular form, slowly rising and not pointed, large round hill. 2 H...an còrr |