Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
àm /ãũm ~ amə/  fir. gin. ama, iol. amannan
1 time 2 occasion 3 period |
madainn (m) /madɪNʲ/ boir. gin. maidne, iol. -ean
1 morning, morn 2 a.m. 3 ( pl.) matins (in liturgy) |
an /ən/  sealbh.
their (changes to am before b p m f) |
is /ɪs/  gn. neo-riagh.
be! (the copula, used when the predicate of a sentence is a noun or pronoun, visit To bi or not to be for more information) |
san àm 1 in the meantime 2 in season |
tha am prògram ud a' cur orm that program makes me (feel) sick, that program is making me (feel) sick |
tha am brot seo a' dol am fannachd this soup is going off |
's fheàrr am bonnach beag le beannachd na am bonnach mór le mallachd it's the thought that counts, the thing given willingly is better than that given unwillingly (fig.) |
tha am balach 'na shuidhe giomach-goc air guailnean a mhàthar the boy is riding on his mother's shoulders, the boy is getting a shoulder back/pick-a-back shoulder ride from his mother (fig.) |
dh'iarr am muir a thadhal don't waste what you have, we must put to use what we have been given (fig.) |
am faigh mi do làmh-sgrìobhadh gun dèan thu sin? can I have that in writing from you that you will do that? |
's ann agam tha am fàth I'm done for (fig.) |
tha thu am bogsa na gogaide you're in a bit of a pickle (fig.) |
thoir am fireach ort up sticks and leave, disappear, vanish! (fig.) |
is coma leis an t-sìoda có an tòn mu am bi e the sun doesn't care on whom it shines (fig.) |
Am Fear nach Can Mi He Who Must Not Be Named (i.e. the Devil) |
bha na daoine a' cur gu feum tòrr mór a bharrachd éisg na bha am muir a' ceadachadh people were using a lot more fish than the sea could provide/produce |
tha e glé chruaidh leam ach… I am very sorry but… |
a-màireach /əˈmaːrʲəx/ co-ghn.
riach am poll-mònach line the peat bank/hag! (i.e. make the first cut the length of the peat bank, establishing the width which will be cut) |
sin am bòrd-uachdarach that's the end of the line (fig.) |
ann am beagan bhriathran in a few words |
Am Pàrtaidh Uaine The Green Party |
cuir ann am paiseanadh iad knock them out/unconscious! |
Am Bealach ainm-àite fir. gin. a' Bhealaich
1 Balloch (W Duns) 2 Bealach (Highld) 3 Bealach (Ag&B) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
am def art (nom sing masc) The. [Used before words beginning with B, F, M or P]. A...an còrr |
am prep In. [Used for an before a word beginning with B, F, M or P]. Am baile, in a t...an còrr |
am poss pron Their. Am fearg, their wrath; am màthair, their mother; am bainne, ...an còrr |
àm ama, amannan, sm Time in general, past or present. 2 Season. 3 Convenience. 'S e seo an t-àm,...an còrr |
am (equivalent to anns am) Lagain am bi na neòinein, dells where daisies are. |
am † a Soft, moist, damp. |
am interr particle [Used instead of an before B, F, M or P]. Am buail thu? will...an còrr |
àm sm An àm dol seachad amhaircidh e ort-sa, while going past he will look at you. WH, 1....an còrr |
rùisg pr pt a' rùsgadh, va & n. Strip, peel, make bare. 2 Fleece, shear sheep. 3 Chafe t...an còrr |
tuiteamas -ais, sm Contingence, chance, incidence. 2 Fall 3 O...an còrr |
bi irreg v Be, exist. Conjugated thus: IND pres tha mi etc, I etc am. IND ...an còrr |
gabh pr pt a' gabhail, va & n. Some idiomatic connections of gabh grouped under ...an còrr |
baoghalach -aiche, a Wild, furious, destructive. 2 Perilous, dangerous. 3** Adventurous. Roimh na gaotha...an còrr |
seach prep. Past, beyond, farther than. 2 More than, rather than. Seach an doras, past the door;...an còrr |
aig prep At, near, close by. 2 In possession. 3 On account of. 4 For. 5 On. Is mór agam sin, I...an còrr |
treun tréin, sm Brave man, warrior, champion, hero. Am measg treun a shluaigh, among the brave o...an còrr |
toiseach -sich, -sichean, sm. Beginning, the beginning, origin, source. 2 Front, van. 3 Precedence, pr...an còrr |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
tarraing pr pt a' tarraing, va & n. Draw, pull. 2 Draw, attract, allure, lead. 3 Take the l...an còrr |
tnùth -a, sm Envy, jealousy. 2 Zeal, fire, longing. 3 Anger, indignation, grudge. 4 Malice. 5 Bigot...an còrr |
sìde -e, sf Weather, good or bad. 2 Abatement of a storm. 3 Abatement of rage, pacification...an còrr |
's gach In each, in every. 'S gach àm, always, at every time. |
bealach -aich, -aichean, sm Defile, passage, pass or gorge of a mountain, glen. 2 Gap, breach in a wa...an còrr |
foinne -an, sm Wart. Am foinne mun iath a' ghlac, is niarachd mac air am bi, am foinne mun iath a' b...an còrr |
àirneis sf ind Household furniture or stuff. 2 Cattle, stock. 3 Moveables. 4 Accoutrements. 5** Assor...an còrr |