Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
àrc /aːrxg/  boir. gin. àirce, iol. -an
1 cork 2 bung, stopper 3 bottle top, cap 4 vulva (of a cow) 5 bracket/tree fungus |
àrc /aːrxg/ boir. gin. àirce, iol. -an
1 arc (in mathematics) 2 archeo- |
earc /ɛRxg/ boir. gin. eirce, iol. -an
unspecific archaic term for a speckled or striped animal (especially reptiles such as lizards or snakes but also salmon or trout, bees and wasps, speckled cows and deer, piglets etc) |
ball-àrca fir. gin. ⁊ iol. buill-àrca
shinty ball made from cork |
gad-àrc fir. gin. gaid-àrc, iol. -an-àrc
bogha /bo.ə/ fir. iol. -chan
1 bow (archery, also music etc) 2 bend, bow 3 arc, arch, vault 4 green bow-shaped area by a river (created by the river) 5 crotch, fork, breech (human or animal) 6 binding ring (used in metal casting to hold a cast together) |
àrc-eòlas fir. gin. -ais, iol. -an
àrc-cho-shìneas fir. gin. -eis
àrc-bheantan fir. gin. -ain, iol. -an
arc-aingeal fir. gin. -aingil, iol. -ainglean
boghan /bo.an/ fir. gin. -ain, iol. -an
1 small bow 2 small bend/bow 3 small arc/arch/vault 4 small crotch/fork/breech (human or animal) |
bugha /bu.ə/ fir. iol. -chan
1 bow (archery, also music etc) 2 bend, bow 3 arc, arch, vault 4 green bow-shaped area by a river (created by the river) |
earc-luachrach boir. gin. eirce-luachrach, iol. -an-luachrach
lizard (lacertilia suborder) |
leang /Lʲɛŋg/ fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
arc (of movement, for example of a hand when striking something) |
puta-àrca fir. iol. -ichean-àrca
druim-àrc fir. gin. droma-àrc, iol. dromannan-àrc
àrc-eòlaiche fir. iol. -an
Achd nan Làraichean Àrsaidh agus Sgìrean Àrc-eòlais The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act |
cladhach àrc-eòlais archaeological excavation |
àrc-eòlach bua. coi. -aiche
leth-bhogha fir. iol. -chan
sgriubha-àirce boir. iol. -chan-àirce
fionn-àrc boir. gin. -àirce, iol. -an
(false) tinder fungus, hoof fungus, tinder conk/polypore (fomes fomentarius) |
àrc-thàthadh fir. gin. -aidh
dearc-mhara boir. gin. deirce-mara, iol. -an-mara