Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
tha sinn cochanach asta we are disappointed in them |
á(s) /as ~ asəm asəd as aʃdʲə asɪNʲ asɪv asdə/ roi. (ás an; asam, asad, ás, aiste, asainn, asaibh, asta)
from, (out) of (Note: ás is the indefinite and definite form historically, á is used before a consonant) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
asta prep pron (ás + iad) Out of them, from them, in them, on them. [Emphatic: astasan, ast...an còrr |
ás prep Out of, from out. [Ás drops the s when followed by a consonant]. á taigh na daors...an còrr |
bonn -uinn, pl. -uinn & bonnan, sm Heel. 2 Sole. 3 Foundation, found of house. 4 Pedest...an còrr |
smàladh -aidh, sm Snuffing, act of snuffing a candle. 2 Blowing out, act of blowing out extinguishing...an còrr |
falach-cuain s A seaside phrase for “hide and seek”, inland the equivalent being car mu chn...an còrr |
asda see asta. |
asta-san emphat form of asta. |
tarraing ás va Chaff. Bha e a' tarraing asta, he was chafing them. |