Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
astar -air, -an, sm Journey. 2 Space, Distance. 3 Way, path. Astar mór, a great distance; as...an còrr |
astar sm Chaill e astar, he lost speed. |
dol sm ind Going, travelling. 2 Proceeding. 3 Ways. 4 Walking. 5 Space, distance. 6* Condition, s...an còrr |
fada faide, a Long, of great length, the opposite of short. 2 Of long continuance, for a lo...an còrr |
math pl. -a, a. 1st comp feàrr or feabha, 2...an còrr |
treis -e, sf While, spell (for greis). 2 Distance of place. Treis mhath, a good while; treis...an còrr |
cabrach -aich, sm Deer, stag. 2 Copse, thicket. 3** Timber-moss. An déidh chabrach, in pursuit of ...an còrr |
asdar -air, see astar. |
astaran n pl of astar. |
caol-ghleann ** -ghlinn, sm Narrow valley, glen. Air astar an caol-ghleann, travelling in the narrow va...an còrr |
ciod? interr. pron. ind What? Ciod seo? what is this? ciod air son? why? ciod tha thu...an còrr |
eadar-astar ‡‡ -air, -ean, sm Interval. |
ear-astar ‡‡ -air, sm Longitude. |
iar-astar ‡‡ -air, sm Longitude. |
still ** sf Swift motion. 2 Violent and sudden exertion. Earb 'na still air astar, the roe bound...an còrr |
uim-astar ** s Circumference. |
astar-sgrìobhaiche sm Cinematograph. |