Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
àth /aːh/ fir. iol. -annan
àth /aːh/ boir. gin. -a, iol. -an
1 kiln 2 old barn 3 outhouse |
ath /ah/ gn. ag. -adh
ath- /ah/ bua.
ath /ah/ boir. gin. faith, iol. -an
àth na sùla corner of the eye |
ath-chùrsach /a xuːRsəx/ bua. coi. -aiche
recursive, recurrent, repeating |
ath-bhlàr fir. gin. -bhlàir, iol. -an
second layer of peat (beneath barrad/feannad) |
athbhliadhn /aflɪN/ boir. neo-ath.
ath-chùm /a xuːm/ gn. ag. -chumadh
1 reshape! 2 distort, disfigure! |
ath-iarr gn. ag. -iarraidh
ath-sgrùd gn. ag. -adh
1 review, revise! 2 check up! 3 re-examine! |
ath-leasachadh /ah lesəxəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) reforming 2 reform(ation) 3 (with def. art.) the Reformation 4 (act of) redeveloping, restoring 5 redevelopment, restoration 6 (act of) amending 7 amendment |
ath-chruthachadh fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) recreating 2 recreation 3 (act of) reconstructing 4 reconstruction |
ath-nuadhaich /ah nuə.ɪç/ gn. ag. -dhachadh
1 renew, renovate! 2 redevelop! 3 refresh! (in computing) |
an athbhliadhna /əN aflɪN/ co-ghn.
té an ath-dhoras dhomh /tʲeː Na ɣɔrəs ɣɔ͂/ the woman next door (to me) |
ath-chleachdadh fir. gin. -aidh
1 (act of) re-using 2 re-use |
ath-sheòrsaich gn. ag. -sachadh
ath-thaigh fir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
ath-rùdh gn. ag. -adh
re-stack peats into rùdhanan! (to allow the other side to dry) |
an ath-thìde next time |
ath-chainnteach bua. coi. -tiche
ris an ath-ghealach at the next moon |
ath-shealladh /a hjaLəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh
1 second look 2 retrospect 3 second sight 4 (act of) repeating, showing again |
Toraidhean Dwelly
àth sm ind Ford, any part of a river that is fordable. Àth nan sùl, the corner of the eyes; ...an còrr |
àth àtha, pl -an, & -annan, sf Kiln. Nuair a bha sinn san àth le chéile, when we we...an còrr |
ath a Next, again. An ath-uair, the next time, or next hour; san ath-dhoras, in ...an còrr |
ath vn Flinch, shrink, hesitate. 2 Refuse. 3 Blush. Na seòid nach athadh an cruadal, the heroe...an còrr |
ath-bhrosnachadh -aidh, sm Rallying, re-inspiring with courage. 2 Resuming of courage. Ag ath-bhrosnachadh, ...an còrr |
leig pr pt a' leigeil & a' leigeadh, va & n. Permit, allow. 2 Slip, as dogs to the ...an còrr |
ath-ghoirid * sf Short road, way, or method {shortcut}. 2** Short time, moment. |
ath-bheachd -an, sm Retrospect. 2 Second thought, afterthought, consideration, reconsideration. |
ath-chùm va Form or shape anew. 2 Deform, disfigure. 3†† Reform. |
ath-bheòthachadh -aidh, sm Reviving, rekindling, refreshing, reanimating, quickening. Rinn do bhriathran m' at...an còrr |
ath-nuadhachadh -aidh, sm Renovation, renovating, renewing. Ag ath-nuadhachadh, pr pt of ath-nuadhaich...an còrr |
ath-bheòthaich pr pt -achadh, va Revive, re-refresh, rekindle, reanimate, quicken, sharpen, excite. A...an còrr |
ath-ghlan va Repolish, refine, recleanse. 2 Purify, strain. |
aol aoil, sm Lime. Aol gun bhàthadh, quicklime; àth-aoil, a limekiln. |
ath-chruth sm Change of form. 2†† Second form or appearance. |
leis prep pron With him or it. 2 In his company, along with him. 3 Being his property or right. 4 ...an còrr |
ath-chruthachadh sm Recreating. 2 Regeneration. 3 Reformation. Ag ath-chruthachadh, pr pt of ath-chruth...an còrr |
ath-bhliadhna sf Next year. 2 Second year. Mun tràth seo an ath-bhliadhna, about this time next year....an còrr |
athchuinge -ean, sf (ath + cuinge) Prayer, petition, request, entreaty. |
ath-latha sm Next day. |
ath làn-mara sm Next high-tide, reflux of the sea. |
ath-leasachadh -aidh, -ean, sm Reforming, mending, reformation, amendment, correction, amelioration, improve...an còrr |
ath-leasaich va Reform, amend, ameliorate, correct, improve. 2 Dung land again. Ath-leasaich do chòmhradh ...an còrr |
obair oibre, pl. obraichean & oibrichean, sf Work, labour, process of working. The genit...an còrr |
cruadhachadh -aidh, sm Enduration. 2 Hardening, drying. 3 Act or state of hardening. 4 Drying, as of grain...an còrr |