Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
is /ɪs/ gn. neo-riagh.
be! (the copula, used when the predicate of a sentence is a noun or pronoun, visit To bi or not to be for more information) |
cha b' e ruith ach leum leis he jumped at it (fig.) |
mas fhìor /ma ʃiər/ 1 allegedly, reputedly 2 (excl.) as if, yeah right! |
gach rud a b' fheàrr na chéile the most esteemed/valuable things |
b' esan an gille riochdail he was such a handsome lad |
b' àill leibh? pardon? sorry, I didn't understand you? (polite) |
b' olc an airidh it was a pity |
dé b' àill leibh? 1 pardon? sorry 2 what is your wish? |
b' àill leat? pardon? sorry, I didn't understand you? |
nam b' e an-diugh an-dé if I had known that yesterday, if I had only known that |
ma b' fhìor false, fake, as if true, putting on |
mar a thuirt b' fhìor no sooner said than done (fig.) |
có 's ainm ort? what's your name |
cha b' e mo chuid-sa a ràdh it wasn't for me to say |
cha b' fhuilear leam sin I would expect/require that |
mar a b' àbhaist do Chalum as Calum was accustomed to |
b' fhada leam e I found it tedious |
b' fheàrr a' chuid sin an-dé na uile gu léir an-diugh everything in moderation (fig.) |
ge b' oil le cnàimh ruadh na h-amhaich agad like it or lump it, whether you like it or not (fig.) |
cha chreidear an fhìrinn bho bheul nam breug 's nach b' e an fhìrinn a liar is not believed even when he speaks the truth, the boy who cried wolf [is not believed] (fig.) |
b' fheàrr a bhith sàmhach na droch-dhàn a ghabhail little said is soon amended, silence is golden |
b' fheàrr gun tòiseachadh na sgur gun chrìochnachadh don't start the job unless you intend finishing it |
b' fheàrr leam I had rather, I would prefer |
b' ait leam a bhith ann I would enjoy being there |
b' e an t-àm e it was high time |
Toraidhean Dwelly
b' (bu) past aff of is. Used before an initial vowel or fh. B' uamhasach an latha, ter...an còrr |
b' ** (for a bu) Who was, who were, which was, which were. |
a poss pron His, her, its. After a, his, the substantive is always aspirated, but...an còrr |
a rel pron, gen & dat Who, which, whom, that, what. Gach gaisgeach a b' aosta...an còrr |
liagh léigh, pl. -an & léigh, sf Ladle. 2 Feather or blade of an oar. 3** Large spoon. 4...an còrr |
àbhaist sf Habit, usage, custom, manner, consuetude. A' leanachd na h-àbhaist a b' aoibhinn, follo...an còrr |
maor -aoir, sm Officer of justice, bailiff, cath-poll, messenger. 2 Inferior officer in various ca...an còrr |
ach conj But, except, besides. Ach mise, but me; cha do rinn neach ach thusa e, none bu...an còrr |
ministear -eir, -an, sm Clergyman. 2 Minister. 3** Servant. Ionnas gum bithinn 'nam mhinistear aig Ìosa...an còrr |
àill sf Desire, will, pleasure. Dé is àill leibh? what is your will? an nì a b' àill leam, ...an còrr |
àillidh a Bright, resplendent. 2 Beautiful, exquisite, fair. Lasair nan lòchran àillidh, the flame...an còrr |
aimhleas -eis, sm Hurt, harm, mischief, disaster. 2 Danger. 3 Injury. 5 Ruin, misfortune. 5 Perversene...an còrr |
ainm -e, pl -ean, -eannan, sm Name. 2 Substantive noun. 3 Character. An t-ainm gun an tairb...an còrr |
ainmig adv (an + minig) Seldom, rarely, scarcely. Is ainmig a thig e, he seldom comes; b' ain...an còrr |
nas comparative particle. Than. Cha b' urrainn dha nas fheàrr a dhèanamh, he could not do bett...an còrr |
oil sf ind Vexation, grief, pain. 2 Offence, annoyance, regret. 3 Spite. Ge b' oil leis, (leatha,...an còrr |
oir conj. For, because that. Oir chuimhnich iad, for they remembered; oir is...an còrr |
onfhadh -fhaidh, -fhaidhean, sm Blast, storm. 2 Raging of the sea. 3** Furious billow. 4 Rage, fury. ...an còrr |
òrdag -aig, -an, sf Thumb. 2 Great toe. Air òrdaig an làimhe deise, on the thumb of their...an còrr |
àrd àirde, n pl -a, a High, lofty, 2 Mighty, great, noble, eminent, excellent, supreme. 3 ...an còrr |
strìochd vn Yield, submit. 2 Surrender. 3** Bow, cringe. 4 Strike. Cha strìochdainn do dhuine, I wo...an còrr |
té sf ind Woman, female one. 2 Used of any object or thing of the feminine gender. An té seo, ...an còrr |
tèarnadh -aidh, sm Escaping, act of escaping or evading. 2 Rescuing, saving. 3 Descent, descending, co...an còrr |
theab def v Miss. Theab mi tuiteam, I missed falling. The only parts used are — Theab mi, I ...an còrr |
bàirneach -ich, sf Limpet. 2(AF) Barnacle 3 Cunner. Chan fhaighinn òrd air bàirnich air, he was too ...an còrr |