Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
bas /bas/ boir. gin. boise, iol. -an
1 palm (of a hand) 2 lower end of a shinty stick 3 eye (of a fishing hook) |
bàs /baːs/ fir. gin. bàis, iol. -an
1 death, fatality 2 decease 3 demise |
faigh bàs get killed, die! |
bas sléigh lower end of a spear |
bas-acrach boir. gin. bois-acrach, iol. -an-acrach
air neo bidh am bàs agad or you will die |
bas-bhualadh fir. gin. -aidh
1 (act of) clapping of hands 2 applause |
bàs gun sgread a good (peaceful) death (fig.) |
bàs gun sagart dhut! to hell with you, may you rot in hell! (fig.) |
Buaidh no Bàs! Buaidh no Bàs! ('victory or death', Clan MacDougall and MacNeil slogan) |
bas-bhuail gn. ag. -bhualadh
buail bas ri crann knock on a door! |
lath e gu bàs he froze to death |
manadh air bàs an omen of death |
cuir gu bàs put to death, kill, execute! |
Am Bas Bass Rock |
bàs aithghearr a sudden death |
bàs ealamh a sudden death |
ma bhios a' bhochdainn againn, bidh an t-socair againn, mar a thuirt Cailean Dhonnchaidh nuair a leig e bàs leis a' bhó at least we won't have anything to worry about anymore (fig.) |
bàs a' chinn-adhairt a natural death (i.e. in bed) |
bas na cas "heads or tails" with a shinty stick (usually to determine which side gets to pick the first player) |
àm bà bà time for beddy-byes |
's math dhan gealladh tu bàs ach 's mairg dhan gealladh tu pòsadh you could have a birthday waiting for you, it's anyone's guess who will come first, you or spring (fig.) |
beatha na bàs life or death |
chaidh e bàs he died, passed away |
Toraidhean Dwelly
bas boise [& baise] -an & -a, sf The palm of the hand. Buailibh bhur basan uile, a shluai...an còrr |
bàs -àis, sm Death. 2** Destruction. Is e rìgh nan uamhas am bàs, death is the king of ...an còrr |
bas -ais, sf Spoke of a wheel. |
bas -ais, sm Hollow or concave part of a club. |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
beag sm & sf (n pl big, declined in sing as a beag). Little one. 2 Nothin...an còrr |
bàs-bhuille sm Death-blow. Fhuair e a bhàs-bhuille, he received his death-blow. |
ugh uigh, uighean, sm Egg. Ugh eireig, a pullet's egg; ugh-nid, a nest-egg; gealaga...an còrr |
bàsaich pr pt a' bàsachadh, vn Die (as an animal), perish. 2 Starve. 3 Wither, as a plant. 4 G...an còrr |
breith sf Judgment, sentence, decision. 2 Row, rank. 3 Layer. 4 Birth, descent. 5 Interpretation, si...an còrr |
buaidh -e, n. pl. -ean -dheanan sf Victory, conquest, success. Thugadh buaidh 'nam fhi...an còrr |
caoile sf ind Leanness. 2 Smallness. 3 Attenuation. 4 Narrowness. 5 Dearth, want of fodder fo...an còrr |
càrn càirn [& cùirn], sm Cairn, heap or pile of stones loosely thrown together. 2 Peat-barrow....an còrr |
cill -e, cilltean [& cillean] sf Cell, church. 2 Chapel. 3 Churchyard, burying ground. 4 Grave...an còrr |
cìs -e, -ean, sf Tax, tribute, impost, rent, oblation. 2 Homage, submission, 3 Reverence. 4** Aid...an còrr |
coimhead fut. aff. coimheadaidh (contr. coimhdidh), pr pt a' coimhead, va & n. ...an còrr |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
do prep. To (i.e. unto). [Aspirates word following and governs the Dative case. It is often dh',...an còrr |
dol sm ind Going, travelling. 2 Proceeding. 3 Ways. 4 Walking. 5 Space, distance. 6* Condition, s...an còrr |
dual -ail, -an, sm Due, hereditary right. 2 Duty. 3 Office. Bu dual dha sin, that was his birth...an còrr |
euchdach -aiche, a. Heroic, valorous, performing achievements. 2* Daring, brave. Daoine treubhach, euc...an còrr |
fuil gen sing fala, dat. fuil, voc. 'fhuil! sf Blood. 2 Family, tribe, kindre...an còrr |
slabhraidh -e [& slaibhre,] -aidhean, sf Chain. 2 Pot-hanger. 3(AF) Cattle, herds. Tinne na slabhrai...an còrr |
geàrr 1st. comp giorra, ind comp giorraid, 3rd. comp giorrad, a. Short,...an còrr |
giorra comp of geàrr & goirid. Shorter, shortest. 2 Sooner, nearer. 3 More lately. Nas giorra, ...an còrr |