Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
bó sf irreg. Cow. 2** rarely fawn. Declined thus: —...an còrr |
bainne sm Milk, milky juice. †2 see boinne. Bó-bhainne, a milch-cow; crodh-bhainne, milch-...an còrr |
àireach -ich, sm Cattleman. 2 Grazier. 3 Dairyman. 4** Shepherd. 5 Bowman - Hebrides. There is...an còrr |
ath a Next, again. An ath-uair, the next time, or next hour; san ath-dhoras, in ...an còrr |
bà gen sing and n & dat pl of bó. An àite guth mànaich bithidh geum bà, ins...an còrr |
geamhradh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Winter. Ro ghaoth a' gheamhraidh, before the winds of winter; bó g...an còrr |
breac brice, a. Spotted, speckled, chequered, piebald. 2 Marked with small-pox. Breac le neòineanai...an còrr |
cha negative particle, Not. [Cha aspirates the fut. neg of a verb, also the initial...an còrr |
innis innse, pl. innsean & innseachan, sf Island. 2 Sheltered valley protected by...an còrr |
taod -aoid, sm Halter, head rope. 2 Hair-rope. 3 Chain, binding. 4 Cable. 5(CR) Rope for leading o...an còrr |
bó-lann -a, sm Cow-house, byre. 2 Fold 3‡‡ Ox-stall. |
muthach -aich, -aichean, sm Herd, herdsman. 2 Cowherd. 3†† Milk contractor. Caillear bó...an còrr |
bo! int Bo! bo! word to excite terror in children. |
bo! bo! int. Strange! wonderful! |
bó-allaidh sf Buffalo. 2AF Furious ox. |
bó-bhainne (AF) sf Milch-cow. |
bó-bhaith † sf Cow slaughter. |
bó-cainneal see bó-choinneal. |
bó-choilleag sf Pastoral, rural dialogue. (Gaelic spelling of bucolic). |
bó-choinneal § sf Mullein (lit. cow's candle) see cuingeal Muire. |
bó-dhearc § sf Red whortleberry, cowberry, see lus-nam-braoileag. |
bodhrach ** a. Infected with the murrain. Bó bhodhrach, a diseased cow. |
bó-ghamhna sf Farrow cow. |
boin gen [dat. — JM] sing of bó. |
bó-laoigh sf Cow with calf. 2 Milch cow. |