Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
boc /bɔxg/  gn. ag. -adh
1 bounce, leap/jump (up and down), skip! 2 prance! 3 flutter! |
bòc /bɔːxg/ gn. ag. -adh
1 bloat, inflate, puff! 2 rise, surge, swell! |
boc /bɔxg/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. buic
buck (esp. of deer and goats i.e. billygoat/male goat) |
bòc /bɔːxg/ fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
bochd /bɔxg/  bua. iol. bochda
1 impecunious, needy, penurious, poor 2 shoddy 3 ill, poorly, sick, unfit 4 unfortunate |
boc-thonn  fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -thuinn
boc-goibhre /bɔxg gɤirʲə/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. buic-ghoibhre
boc-earba fir. gin. ⁊ iol. buic-earba
roebuck (genus capreolus) |
boc-gobhair fir. gin. ⁊ iol. buic-ghobhair
laos-boc /Lɯːsbəg/ fir. gin. -buic, iol. -an
1 castrated goat, wether 2 fine leather shoes 3 ( contempt.) fancy shoes |
bòc-fala fir. gin. bòic-fhala, iol. -an-fala
boc-ròin fir. gin. ⁊ iol. buic-ròin
boc-glas fir. gin. buic-ghlais, iol. buic-ghlasa
geàrr boc leap, jump! |
boc ball air an talamh  bounce a ball on the ground! |
boc-dheamhan  fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -ain
Comataidh Oilimpeach Bhreatainn (COB) The British Olympic Committee (BOC) |
mar as sine am boc is ann as cruaidhe an adharc age and experience will beat youth and enthusiasm any day (fig.) |
boc-maighich fir. gin. ⁊ iol. buic-mhaighich
boc-creige fir. gin. ⁊ iol. buic-chreige
boc-ruadh fir. gin. buic-ruaidh, iol. buic-ruadha
roebuck (genus capreolus) |
boc-dubh Innseanach Indian blackbuck (antilope cervicapra) |
boc-ruadh Eòrpach (European/western) roe deer (capreolus capreolus) |
Tìr nam Bochd ainm-àite
boc an lòin snipe (genus gallinago) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
boc buic, sm Buck, roebuck. 2 He-goat. 3AF Entire horse. 4** term of ridicule for a fop. B...an còrr |
bòc pr pt a' bocadh, vn Swell, blister. 2** Bloat, puff. 3 Grow turgid. 4* Inflame. |
boc sm Deceit, fraud. 2 Blow, box, stroke. |
boc pr pt a' bocadh, vn Leap or skip, as a deer or roe. |
bòc -a, -an, sm Pimple, pustule. |
buic gen sing & npl of boc. |
bocadh -aidh, sm Skipping, as a deer. 2** Discussion. A' bocadh, pr pt of boc. |
bòcadh -aidh, sm Eruption, blister, swelling. 2 Frown. A' bòcadh, pr pt of boc. |
boc-earba buic-, sm Roebuck. Cho luath ri boc-earba, as swift as a roe. |
bochd -a, [AC gen sing & npl — Isles]. sm The poor, the parish poor. 2 Poor person...an còrr |
dair (darach oak) the fourth letter of the Gaelic alphabet now in use. The letters d and ...an còrr |
fiadh féidh, sm Deer. Mar fhiadh air fireach, like a deer on a mountain. Names of deer at va...an còrr |
mar conj. As, even as, like, like as, in the same manner, in this or that manner. Mar tha, alr...an còrr |
boc-Bealltainn (AF) sm Wild or unmanageable entire horse, said to be wilder about midsummer. |
boc-caol (AC) sm (lit. a slim buck) Roebuck. |
boc-cluigeineach (JGM) sm Bell-wether. |
boc-gabhar see boc-goibhre. |
boc-ghobhar see boc-goibhre. |
boc-goibhre buic-, sm He-goat. |
boc glas (AF) sm Large dogfish. 2 Shark. |
boch v. see boc. |
bòchd vn see bòc. 2‡‡ Bud, spring. |
boc-ròin sm Prawn. 2 Shrimp |
boc-ruadh (AC) sm (lit. red buck) Roebuck. |
boc-saic ¶ sm Snipe (gallinago gallinago), see gobhar-adhair |