Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
bad /bad/ fir. gin. baid, iol. -an
1 bunch, clump, cluster 2 shock, stook (6-12 sheaves grouped together for initial drying) 3 bush, thicket 4 tuft 5 patch 6 forelock 7 place, spot |
dona /dɔnə/  bua. coi. miosa
1 bad 2 (as adv.) not well 3 bad dog! |
rach am bad a chéile engage in (personal) combat! |
bad-eigin co-ghn. neo-ath.
(chan eil) dragh a' choin! too bad, tough luck! |
mì-bheus boir. gin. -a, iol. -an
1 bad breeding 2 bad manners 3 immodesty, indecency |
bochdainneachd /bɔxgɪNʲəxg/ boir. neo-ath.
1 poverty, penury, want 2 ill-health 3 bad luck, misfortune |
seicean fir. gin. -ein, iol. -an
1 peritoneum 2 meninx (e.g. pia/dura mater) 3 animal in bad condition (also term of endearment for such) |
mì-altram fir. gin. -aim
droch-fhortan fir. gin. -ain
droch-bhannal fir. gin. -ail
cabhan /kafan/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -ain
pungent/bad smell, stench |
ainsgean /aiNʲʃgʲən/ fir. gin. -ein
1 panic, terror 2 startled move(ment) 3 fury, bad temper |
siantach /ʃiəNdəx/ bua. coi. -aiche
pertaining to generally bad weather i.e. stormy, rainy, showery, snowy |
droch-fhacal fir. gin. -ail, iol. -fhaclan
1 bad word 2 oath, expletive, curse |
droch-bholadh fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -ean
bad-coilich fir. gin. baid-choilich, iol. -an-coilich
droch-thùrn fir. gin. -thùirn, iol. -an
rabhdaire /Raudɪrʲə/ fir. iol. -an
1 ranter 2 windbag, blowhard 3 bad piper |
droch-aimsir boir. gin. -e
droch-ghaoth boir. gin. -ghaoithe, iol. -an
Bad a' Mhaim ainm-àite
mì-fhacal fir. gin. -ail, iol. -fhaclan
tha trì imrichean nas miosa na an teine three moves are as bad as a fire, moving three times is as bad as a fire |
droch-chàirdeas fir. gin. -eis, iol. -an
1 bad friendship 2 bad relationship |
Toraidhean Dwelly
bad sm Usually means a place or spot, although it may also mean a tuft, cluster, bunch and thicke...an còrr |
bad -aid, -a, sm Tuft, cluster, bunch. 2 Top cluster, hair on the upper part of the head. 3 Tuft ...an còrr |
bàd † sf Wind. |
bad va Make into tufts or bunches. 2 Separate, divide into small heaps. 3 Prune. |
bad ** -aid, see bat. |
bad a Many - Arran. |
cuid irreg. sf Declined thus:—
...an còrr |
àile sm The air. 2 Scent, smell. 3 Wind, breeze, strength of the breeze. Àile deagh bholaidh, a...an còrr |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
eadar prep. [Governs a substantive in the nominative. Combined with the personal pronouns thus:...an còrr |
aingidh -e, a Wicked, impious, vicious, bad. 2 Perverse, mischievous. 3 Cross, ill-natured. |
brochan -ain, sm Porridge. 2 (Skye, &c). Pottage, gruel. Deoch bhrochain, gruel; so...an còrr |
bròg -òige, brògan, sf Shoe. 2 Hoof 3 By a figure of speech, Foot. 4 Sorrow. 5(DU) Fish-roe...an còrr |
donas -ais, sm Mischief, harm, hurt. 2 Bad luck, mishap. 3 The Devil. 4 Worthless fellow. 5* Badnes...an còrr |
buileachadh -aidh, sm Bestowing, giving. 2 Assignment. 3 Improving. 4 Finishing completely. 5** Presentat...an còrr |
amh aimhe, a Raw, crude. 2 Unsodden, unboiled, unroasted. 3 Unskilful. 4 Bad, naughty. 5 Dull, li...an còrr |
droch-bholadh -aidh, -ean, sm Bad smell, stink. |
càirdean pl. of caraid, Friends, relations, cousins. [In the shape of cousins, bad. — *] càirdea...an còrr |
solas -ais, -an, sm Light. 2 Light, as a lamp or candle. 3 Knowledge, information. 4 Phase of the m...an còrr |
droch-bhriathar -air, -an & -thran, sm Evil expression, bad word. |
càradh -aidh. sm Mending, repairing, adjusting. 2 Usage or treatment, whether good or bad. 3 Conditi...an còrr |
ana-cleachdadh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Inexperience. 2 Want of practice. 3 Bad custom or habit. 4** Desuetude. 5...an còrr |
ceann cinn, sm Head. 2 Point. 3 Hilt. 4 Top. 5 End. 6 Chief, commander. 7 Headland, promontory. 8 E...an còrr |
ceòl ciùil [& ceòil] sm Music, melody. 2 Song. 3(DC) Continuous theme in both a good and bad s...an còrr |
cha negative particle, Not. [Cha aspirates the fut. neg of a verb, also the initial...an còrr |