Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
biadh /biəɣ/ fir. gin. bìdh, iol. -an
1 food, fare, repast, viand, victual 2 feed 3 a meal 4 (when used adjectivally in the genitive) dietary |
biadh /biəɣ/ gn. ag. -adh
bu mhath le Calum biadh Calum would like food |
's math am biadh feamainn aran-seagail is saill ròin rye bread and seal fat make good food for harvesting seaweed |
biadh meadhain-latha lunch |
biadh-lann boir. gin. -lainn, iol. -an
canteen, dining hall, refectory |
dèan sultais air biadh eat a huge amount of food, put away a mountain of food! |
tàr biadh pinch food! |
tha mi air mo bhiadh I've eaten, I've had food |
biadh sùla 1 a feast for the eyes 2 eye candy |
biadh-mealaidh fir. gin. bìdh-mhealaidh
biadh sòghail sumptuous/luxurious food |
biadh-maidne (biadh na maidne) fir. gin. bìdh-mhaidne, iol. -an-maidne
dèan comaidh bìdh share food! |
biadh an eòinein wood sorrel (oxalis acetosella) |
biadh-beatha fir. gin. bìdh-bheatha
a bheil annas agad airson biadh? anything unusual/amazing to eat? |
biadh mulain inner row of stooks of a mulan |
tha biadh sa cheann aige his mind is on food |
ullaich biadh prepare food! |
biadh-ùr eunain wood sorrel (oxalis acetosella) |
biadh feannag earth up a lazybed! |
tha biadh mu seach food has been laid by/laid in/stored |
feuch gum bi biadh air do shiubhal mus fhalbh thu try and eat something before you leave |
biadh-bainne fir. gin. bìdh-bhainne
Toraidhean Dwelly
biadh pr. part, a' biadhadh, va Feed, nourish, maintain. 2 Fatten. Gura biadhar e ann am fea...an còrr |
biadh gen bìdh [béidh & bithidh] pl. biadhan [& bìdheanna] sm Meat, food vict...an còrr |
biadhadh -aidh, sm Feeding, nourishing. 2 Fattening. 3 Doling out piecemeal. 4 Feed, victuals, meat, p...an còrr |
biadhta past part of biadh. Fed, nourished. Damh biadhta, a stalled or fed ox. |
acrach ** -aich, sm Hungry person. Biadh dhan acrach, food to the hungry. |
blasta a. Delicious, savoury, tasty. 2 Well-tasted. 3 Tasteful. 4* Agreeable. 5 Eloquent. 6** Season...an còrr |
brù irreg. sf Belly. 2 Womb. 3 Big belly, as a woman with child. 4 Bulge. Declined thus:—
...an còrr |
do prep. To (i.e. unto). [Aspirates word following and governs the Dative case. It is often dh',...an còrr |
fada faide, a Long, of great length, the opposite of short. 2 Of long continuance, for a lo...an còrr |
fallain -e, a Sound, Healthy. 2 Wholesome. 3** Salubrious. Duine fallain, a healthy man;...an còrr |
feumach -aiche, a Needy, necessitous. Feumach air biadh, in need of food. |
lìon -ìn, pl. lìontan, [lìn — DMy] sm Lint, flax — linum usitatissimum. 2 Linen. 3 N...an còrr |
lòn -òin, sm Food, provision, diet, dinner, store. The Gael of old, like other ancient nations, h...an còrr |
gabh pr pt a' gabhail, va & n. Some idiomatic connections of gabh grouped under ...an còrr |
seòl -òil, -an, sm Method, mode or way of doing a thing. 2 Way, means, opportunity 3 Aim. 4...an còrr |
siubhal -ail, pl. siùbhlaichean, sm Moving, act of moving or walking. 2 Departing, act of depa...an còrr |
biadh madainn ** sm Breakfast. |
biadh nan eòinein see biadh-eòinein. |
biadh-nòin ** sm Luncheon, midday meal. |
biadh-sholar -air, sm Pabulation. |
biadh-siubhail (AG) sm Provisions for the way. |
biadh-thaigh ** sm Eating-house. |
biasgach -aiche, (‡biadh + sgathach, catching at morsels) a Niggardly, miserly. 2 Catching at t...an còrr |
biath see biadh. |
bìdh gen sing of biadh. |