Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
breac /brʲɛxg/ bua. coi. brice
1 speckled, spotted, spotty 2 dappled 3 variegated |
breac /brʲɛxg/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. bric
trout (salmonidae family) |
breac /brʲɛxg/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. bric
salmon (salmonidae family) |
breac /brʲɛxg/ gn. ag. -adh
1 speckle, spot! 2 chequer! 3 sprinkle, scatter! 4 break the ground! (by cutting the turf) |
breac-rionnaich fir. gin. bric-rionnaich
breac a' mhuiltein dappled sky (cirro-cumulus clouds) |
eun-breac fir. gin. eòin-bhric, iol. eòin-bhreaca
Atlantic/common puffin (fratercula arctica) |
breac-mara fir. gin. ⁊ iol. bric-mhara
brown/sea trout (salmo trutta) |
breac-sheunan fir. gin. bric-sheunan, iol. -an-seunan
breac-Pheadair fir. gin. ⁊ iol. bric-Pheadair
(Eurasian/common) minnow (phoxinus phoxinus) |
breac-stiallach bua. coi. -aiche
An Dùn Breac /əN duːn brʲɛxg/ ainm-àite fir. gin. an Dùin Bhric
1 Dumbreck (C Glas) 2 Dumbreck (Stirlg) |
samhradh breac stiallach a warm, sunny summer with regular rain |
a' bhreac /əˈvrʲɛxg/ boir. gin. brice
breac-cheannach bua. coi. -aiche
a' bhreac-òtraich boir. gin. na bric-òtraich
Am Breac-achaidh /əm brʲɛxgaxɪ/ ainm-àite fir. gin. a' Bhric-achaidh
breacadh-rionnaich (breacadh an rionnaich) fir. gin. -aidh-rionnaich
sìol breac mixed sowing of seed (usually rye, barley and/or oats, sown on the machair as an insurance against a bad oat/barley season) |
breac an t-sìl wagtail (genus motacilla; often referes to pied wagtail) |
breitheachd /brʲehəxg/ boir. neo-ath.
1 (act of) bearing (children), giving birth, birthing, bringing forth 2 birth, nativity 3 (act of) taking hold 4 (act of) holding 5 (act of) gaining on, catching up with |
dubh-breac /du brʲɛxg/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -bric
black/ferox trout (salmo ferox) |
breac-geal fir. gin. bric-ghil, iol. bric-gheala
rainbow/salmon trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) |
gearradh-breac fir. gin. -aidh-bhric, iol. -aidhean-breaca
black guillemot, tystie (cepphus grylle) |
breac-seunain fir. iol. -an-seunain
Toraidhean Dwelly
breac pr pt a' breacadh, va Carve. 2 Chequer. 3 Speckle. 4 Embroider. 5 Set or pick a...an còrr |
breac bric, sm Trout. 2 Salmon-trout. 3** Salmon. 4** rarely Badger. 5** Wolf. 6(AF) Dog
breac brice, a. Spotted, speckled, chequered, piebald. 2 Marked with small-pox. Breac le neòineanai...an còrr |
breac brice, sf The small-pox. [Preceded by the article a' (bhreac)] 2** Any spotted appeara...an còrr |
breacadh -aidh, sm Spotting, chequering. 2 Carving. 3 Engraving. 4 Embroidering, ornamenting. 5 Pickin...an còrr |
breac a' mhuiltein sm Dappled sky, kind of clouds known as cirro-cumulus....an còrr |
beadaidh -e, a Impudent, petulant, forward, pert. 2 Fastidious, nice, luxurious. 3 Pettish. 4** Manner...an còrr |
breac-geal sm Salmon-trout. |
breacan-buidhe ¶ sm Yellow wagtail (motacilla flava). 2(AF) White wagtail {motacilla alba...an còrr |
breac an t-sìl ¶ sm White wagtail {motacilla alba}, grey wagtail {motacilla cinerea}, or pied ...an còrr |
eu- neg particle, also eug-, ea-, ei-, and a-. The following remarks about the distinguishing fea...an còrr |
breac-dhearg a. Spotted with red and some other colour. An tarbh breac-dhearg, the red and white bull....an còrr |
tarmachan -ain, -an, sm Ptarmigan (lagopus mutus). Tarmachan breac na beinne, the spotted pta...an còrr |
luasganach -aiche, a. Swinging, tossing, rocking. 2 Fickle, inconstant. 3 Restless, fidgety, unsteady. T...an còrr |
seamrag -aig, -an, sf Shamrock. trefoil, clover. Breac le seamragan is le neòineanan, studded with...an còrr |
each eich, n pl eich, dat. pl. eachaibh, sm Horse, 2* Brute. Parts of a Horse...an còrr |
dealan-dé -ain-, sm Butterfly. [Butterflies are very frequently confounded with moths, which are a diff...an còrr |
breac-mhuilinn ** see breac a' mhuiltein. |
breac a' mhuilinn see breac a' mhuiltein. |
breac-ceanndac (AF) sm Turbot. |
breac an anmoich adv Rather late, latish. |
breac-beachdaidh see breac-beadaidh. |
breac-beadaidh sm Loach, {Cypriniformes order}. |
breac-bhallach -aich, a. Spotted, speckled. |
breac-bhoiceannach * sf Herpes, shingles — Bute, Cowal & Lochfyneside. |