Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
brice /brʲiçgʲə/ boir. iol. -an
breac /brʲɛxg/ bua. coi. brice
1 speckled, spotted, spotty 2 dappled 3 variegated |
a' bhreac /əˈvrʲɛxg/ boir. gin. brice
An Eaglais Bhreac ainm-àite boir. gin. na h-Eaglaise Brice
cuileag-bhreac boir. gin. -eige-brice, iol. -an-breaca
An Learga Bhreac ainm-àite boir. gin. na Learga Brice
Blàr na h-Eaglaise Brice (1746) Battle of Falkirk (1746) |
muc-bhreac boir. gin. muice-brice, iol. -an-breaca
rorqual (balaenopteridae family) |
daolag-bhreac boir. gin. -aige-brice, iol. -an-breaca
ladybird, lady beetle, ladybug (coccinellidae family) |
biast-bhreac boir. gin. béiste-brice, iol. -an-breaca
lèabag-bhreac boir. gin. -aige-brice, iol. -an-breaca
plaice (genus pleuronectes) |
cnò-bhreac boir. gin. -tha-brice, iol. -an-breaca
garden snail (helix aspersa) |
gobhar-breac fir. gin. -air-bhric, iol. -air-bhreaca
whelk, buckie (genus buccinum) |
blàth na brice pockmark |
a' bhanachdachd bhreac gin. na banachdachd brice
a' bhreac-bheag boir. gin. na brice-bige
vaccination against smallpox |
a' bhreac-mhór boir. gin. na brice-móire
Bràighe na h-Eaglaise Brice ainm-àite
Falkirk High (station; Falk) |
cailleach-bhreac boir. gin. -lliche-brice, iol. -an-breaca
heath spotted orchid (dactylorhiza maculata subsp. ericetorum) |
breac-sìthe boir. gin. brice-sìthe, iol. -an-sìthe
unspecific term for an affliction characterized by small pustules/blisters/spots (esp. cold sores, chickenpox, hives/nettle rash/urtucaria) |
easgann-bhreac boir. gin. -ainne-brice, iol. -an-breaca
lamprey (petromyzontiformes order) |
daol-bhreac boir. gin. daoil-brice, iol. -an-breaca
ladybird, lady beetle, ladybug (coccinellidae family) |
brù-bhreac boir. gin. bronn-brice, iol. -than-breaca
specklebelly lichen (genus pseudocyphellaria) |
Féill na h-Eaglaise Brice Falkirk Tryst |
a' bhreac-Fhrangach boir. gin. na brice-Frangaiche
Toraidhean Dwelly
breac brice, a. Spotted, speckled, chequered, piebald. 2 Marked with small-pox. Breac le neòineanai...an còrr |
breac brice, sf The small-pox. [Preceded by the article a' (bhreac)] 2** Any spotted appeara...an còrr |
brice gen sing of breac, (sf) |
brice comp of a. breac. |
brice sf Spottedness. |
brice sf Gaelic spelling of brick. |
iolair-bhreac ¶ -e-brice, -an-breaca, sf Spotted eagle — aquila naevia. Chiefly found in ...an còrr |