Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
briseadh /briʃəɣ/ fir. gin. -idh, iol. -idhean
1 (act of) breaking (also period of free time), smashing, fracturing, staving (in) 2 break (also period of free time), fracture 3 (act of) rupturing 4 rupture 5 (act of) going bankrupt, bankrupting 6 bankruptcy 7 (act of) disrupting 8 disruption 9 (act of) contravening 10 contravention 11 (act of) violating 12 violation 13 (act of) breaching 14 breach |
bris /brʲiʃ/ gn. ag. -eadh
1 break, fracture, smash, stave (in)! 2 rupture! 3 go bankrupt! 4 disrupt! 5 contravene! 6 stave (in music)! 7 violate! 8 breach! |
briseadh an latha daybreak, dawn |
briseadh-cridhe fir. gin. -sidh-chridhe, iol. -sidhean-cridhe
briseadh na fàire daybreak, dawn |
briseadh-loidhne fir. gin. -sidh-loidhne, iol. -sidhean-loidhne
briseadh na mara crest of a wave |
briseadh-airgid fir. gin. -sidh-airgid, iol. -sidhean-airgid
neach briseadh na bàire 1 the first to charge (the enemy) 2 trailblazer |
chan eil briseadh puirt air he's like a broken record (fig.) |
briseadh-earrainn fir. gin. -sidh-earrainn, iol. -sidhean-earrainn
section break (in computing) |
briseadh-duilleige fir. gin. -sidh-dhuilleige, iol. -sidhean-duilleige
page break (in computing) |
briseadh an t-solais the waning of the moon |
tha i a' briseadh chlach le òrd-maide she's making a great big effort and getting nothing out of it (fig.) |
briseadh na gealaich the waning of the moon |
a' briseadh ás 1 (act of) breaking out 2 (act of) ear of corn appearing/emerging |
briseadh-dùil fir. gin. -sidh-dhùil, iol. -sidhean-dùil
tha an t-sìde ri briseadh the weather is breaking |
briseadh air leabaidh bed sore(s) |
briseadh sìos breaking down, decomposition |
briseadh-pòsaidh fir. gin. -sidh-phòsaidh, iol. brisidhean-pòsaidh
creag a' briseadh 'na filltean le buaidh na sìde a weather-worn rock |
briseadh a' ghutha breaking of the voice, voice change, mutation |
anail-briseadh fir. gin. -sidh
dyspnoea, shortness of breath |
briseadh-cuilbh fir. gin. -sidh-chuilbh, iol. -sidhean-cuilbh
Toraidhean Dwelly
briseadh -sidh, -sidhean, sm Breaking, splintering. 2 Bursting. 3 Break, breach, fissure. 4 Act of Bre...an còrr |
briseadh ** 3rd pers. sing & pl. imp. of bris. |
brà gen bràthan, pl. bràthntan, sf Quern, handmill 2† Brow. 3(AC) Anything round an...an còrr |
briseadh-cridhe sm Heart-break, over-powering sorrow, grief, pain, affliction, vexation, continued cause of v...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
fàir -e, -ean, sf Dawn. 2(AC) Horizon. 3 Skyline. 4 Height, hill, ridge. Briseadh na fàire, the...an còrr |
rach def. v Go, proceed, move, travel, walk. Active Voice: IND past ch...an còrr |
smior -ir & -a, sm Marrow, pith. 2 fig. Strength, power, vigour. 3 Courage, spirit, mett...an còrr |
trom -uime, a Heavy, ponderous, weighty. 2 Afflictive, sore, oppressive. 3 Difficult, hard, painfu...an còrr |
bristeadh sm& pr pt of bris, see briseadh. |
bristeadh -didh, see briseadh. |
briseadh-céille sm Derangement of mind. |
briseadh-creideis sm Bankruptcy. |
briseadh a-mach sm Eruption. 2 Outbreaking of any kind. 3 Rebellion. |
briseadh-pòsaidh (AM) sm Adultery. |
briste for bristeadh, see briseadh. |
bugh † sm Fear. 2 Leek. 3 see briseadh. |
cùb -ùib -an & -a, sf Sledge. 2 Pannier. 3 Box-cart. 4 Coup-cart. 5 Tumbrel. 6 Gaelic ...an còrr |
falbh sm Motion, going, departing, walking. 2 Act of departing or walking. 3** Withdrawing. 4** Gai...an còrr |