Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
bruich pr pt a' bruich & a' bruicheadh, va Boil, seethe, simmer. 2 rarely Roast, t...an còrr |
bruich sf Boiling. A' bruich, pr pt of bruich. Is dona a' bhruich a tha air, how badly it ...an còrr |
bruich -e, a. Boiled, seethed. 2 Roasted, toasted. 3** Sultry. 4‡‡ Ruddy-faced, redden...an còrr |
brochan -ain, sm Porridge. 2 (Skye, &c). Pottage, gruel. Deoch bhrochain, gruel; so...an còrr |
buntàta sm (s. & pl). Potato, potatoes —solanum tuberosum. Tha am buntàta bru...an còrr |
brith -e, a. see bruich. |
bruicheadh 3rd. per. sing & pl. imp. of bruich. |
bruicheadh sm Boiling, seething. 2 Decoction. 3 Any of the various ways of subjecting eatables to the ac...an còrr |
bruichidh fut. aff. art. of bruich. Shall boil. |
bruichte a. & pt pt of bruich. Boiled. |
bruith pr pt a' bruith, va see bruich. |
sùgh-bhrìgh see sùgh-bruich. |
sùgh-bruich sm Decoction, juice. |
sùth-bhrìgh -e, sf see sùgh-bruich & sùgh-bhrìgh. |