Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
còinneach -ich, sf Moss, fog. 2§ Order of ferns called bryaceae. Air lic chòinnich, on m...an còrr |
udalan -ain, -an, sm Swivel. 2 Swivel of a tether. 3 Runner of a cart. 4(DMy) Hinge, wooden hinge of...an còrr |
caoineach † -ich, sm Stubble. 2 Moss, see còinneach. |
coilceadha (pl. of coilce). Bed materials put under the sheets or blankets, as, feathers, straw, heath ...an còrr |
còineach ** see còinneach. |
còinneach dhearg § sf Bog-myrtle, see mòinteach liath. |
còinnteach see còinneach. |
coinneach-dubh a' chaca (DMK) sm The bird skua. He chases other birds until they disgorge their prey, when he adroitl...an còrr |