Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
coire pl. -annan, sf Fault, offence, charge. 2 Sin, guilt, crime, harm, wrong, trespass. 3 D...an còrr |
coire pl. -achan, sm Cauldron, kettle, boiler, vat. 2 Bath (in weaving). Cuir air an ...an còrr |
coire pl. -achan, sm Circular hollow surrounded by hills. 2 Mountain dell. 3 Whirlpool. [Oft...an còrr |
coire † sm Wherry. 2 Ring. 3 Girdle. |
còire † sf Raw flesh. 2 Syntax. |
còire sf Mo chòire, mo thruaighe, My fault, my misery. R. 3. |
còir irreg. s declined thus: —...an còrr |
goil -e, sf Boiling, act or state of boiling. 2 Smoke, vapour, fume. 3 Battle. 4 Rage, fury. 5 Pow...an còrr |
guilbneach -ich, sm Curlew (numenius arquata). Coire sam bidh guilbnich, a corri...an còrr |
ceathach -aich, sm Mist, fog, vapour. An ceathach a' seòladh, the mist gliding; mar chea...an còrr |
lónach -aiche, a. Full of marshes or meadows. 2 Abounding in food, alimental. An coire lónach, th...an còrr |
coire-togalach -aich, sm Brewer's cauldron. |
maide-coire sm Spirtle — Arran. |
ann prep pron In him, in it. Chan eil coire sam bith ann, there is no fault in him at a...an còrr |
bliochdach -aiche, a. Milky, lacteal. 2 Milk-producing, giving plenty of milk. Chinn an spréidh gu blioc...an còrr |
coireachan n pl of coire. |
coireadh ** see coire. |
coireannan n pl of coire. |
dràcach ** a Abounding in drakes, like a drake. An coire dràcach, the dell abounding in dra...an còrr |
faoilidh -e, a Hospitable, generous. 2 Mild. 3 Glad, joyful, cheerful. 4* Profusely liberal. Co...an còrr |
laomsgair -e, a. Great, prodigious, vast. 2 Fierce, fiery, bold. 3** Abundant. Coire is laomsgaire bàrr...an còrr |
mear-caiteach a. see mearganta. An tìr ro òrdail mhear-caiteach far a bheil na daoine còire, the orderly...an còrr |
naosgach -aiche, a. Abounding in snipes. 2 Like a snipe. Coire naosgach, a dell abounding in snipes...an còrr |
searrachach -aiche, a. Abounding in foals, colts or fillies. Coire searrachach uanach, a dell where fo...an còrr |
taobh-ghorm ** a. Green-sided. 2 Blue-sided. Coire taobh-ghorm, a green-sided dell. |